Family Dinner

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Melissa's POV

I woke up the next morning and had a mild hangover. My mom called me early to see if she could get the boys from Kate's so she could spend time with them. I was quick to say yes as my head hurt. I just stayed in bed. I wanted my headache to go away and my nausea before I went to my parents as I knew my dad would be a pain. I really wanted to call my mom and reschedule. Seth went out to get us lunch. I wanted something greasy. Always helped with my hangovers. He walked in with our lunch and I sat up in the bed. I never was so happy to see fast food. I was starving. Seth handed me my food and I ate greedily. I was so hungry. Seth ate as well, but I noticed here and there, him chuckling to himself as I ate. After the final chuckle, I got annoyed. "What the hell are you laughing at, MacFarlane?"

He laughed. "You." He plainly said.

"And why is that?" I asked.

He shook his head as he smiled. "I have never seen a woman be so happy to have a burger."

"I'm hungry. What do you want?" I only said as I rolled my eyes in annoyance.

"It's just funny to me." He told me.

I said, almost snarky, "Well, if you are going to act like that, you can take it somewhere else. I do not feel good to deal with your shit."

"What got into you?" He asked, seemingly angry at my attitude.

I breathed, "I don't know. I just don't feel good, Seth. Just not in the mood for it."

He got up and moved towards me. "You didn't have that much to drink." He sat next to me. "How can your hangover be so bad?"

"I have no clue. I feel like shit. I don't even want to deal with my dad with the way I feel." I told him.

Seth then said with his eyebrow hitched, "I am more afraid you might snap at him for even breathing at this point. Are you sure you are okay?"

"Yeah." I said. "I just need to finish my food and maybe get some more sleep."

He nodded. "Okay, love. I'll wake you shortly before we have to leave."

"What will you do?" I asked. I didn't want him to be bored as we were trapped in a hotel room.

"I brought my laptop. I haven't been doing any work since everything happen. I guess, I could start doing some work." He told me.

I nodded and finished my food. Once I finished, I laid back down in the bed and Seth moved next to me in the bed. He knew I slept better with him next to me, even if he wasn't sleeping. He sat up slightly in the bed and turned on the tv. He flipped through the channels as I laid on his chest. He passed a channel that had Family Guy on. I said, almost excitedly, "Oh, let's watch Family Guy, Seth."

"You got to be kidding me." He sounded annoyed that I wanted to watch his show.

"Please, Seth. I love it. I always have. Even if I am dating you, I still love it." I almost whined.

He sighed as he rolled his eyes but turned it back to the channel. I laid there watching it. I have seen this episode many times. But I still laughed. The jokes never got boring. I noticed Seth smiling at me as I laughed at the episode. I looked up at him. "What?"

"Nothing." He just shrugged with a grin on his face. "Just something about someone watching something I did and them reacting the way I want them to makes me feel good inside."

I smiled. "Well, like I said, I love it. Even if I get to sleep with the man who voices the characters. Just be glad I don't ask you to do the voices for me." I joked.

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