Huge Revelation

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Melissa's POV

A few weeks had passed and I was happy.  My boys and Seth were getting along great.  Really great.  I couldn't ask for anything better.  My life was coming together.  The tabloids got better.  I was at home while my boys were at school, Seth was at work.  I did love them all, but I got a lot more done when they were gone.  Cindy walked in as she did to see me.  Spending time quality time with my best friend made me happy.  I was feeling a bit under the weather.  Cindy noticed once she walked in.  She asked, "Are you okay?"

I shrugged.  "I am having horrible cramps.  I started so I guess it's just that.  But it feels different, worse."

"You look pale."  She pointed out.  

"I'm fine.  I'm a tough girl."  I plainly said.

"That you are."  Cindy smiled.

She sat down next to me.  "So, I take it, we are just going to lounge around since you are not feeling good."

"I would love that."  I smiled.

Then Cindy looked at me confused.  "Wait, you are synced with me, how are you already on it, you are two weeks early?"  She pointed out.

I didn't think about it.  I shrugged.  "You know it has a mind of it's own." 

We turned on some tv and sat down.  I thought about what she said and it did bug me a bit.  But I didn't remember having it for a couple months though.  Maybe all the stress from everything.  Maybe my memory was just going blank.  It has done that in the past.  So I shrugged it off.  As we watched tv, the pain grew increasingly worse.  I didn't let it get to me at first but as it progressed, I cringed here and there at it.  Then it got worse, I hissed at the pain.  Cindy looked over.  "Are you okay?"  She asked.

I shook my head.  "I don't know.  I never felt cramps like this."

"Maybe we should take you to the doctor."  She said.  I eyed her quickly and she retracted, "Or not."

I told her, "I'll be fine.  I'm a big girl."

I sat there and the pain only got worse.  I didn't want to worry, so I excused myself to the bathroom.  Once in there, I hunched over in pain and moaned out slightly.  It hurt like a bitch.  I never had period pains like this.  I became a bit dizzy.  Now I started to get worried myself.  I knew I needed to tell Cindy as much as I didn't want to.  But something was really wrong.  I walked out of the bathroom.  The pain was intense.  I walked down the hall in pain.  Finally I got to the living room and my knees buckled.  Cindy noticed and ran over.  "You are not okay.  I am taking you to the hospital."  She told me, sternly.

I nodded and didn't argue with her.  She helped me to her car and she rushed me to the hospital.  We got there and I was admitted in the er immediately.  After the doctor asked me questions and ran some test, he came back and looked at me.  He asked, "Miss McMillan, are you sure you weren't pregnant?"  A question he asked me earlier and I quickly told him I wasn't as I was on birth control.

"Yes.  I'm on birth control and I would have known if I was."  I told him.

He frowned and said, cautiously, "Well, even with birth control, there is a small percentage it won't work."

"What?  Are you telling me I am pregnant?"  I asked, a little shocked.

"Well, I believe you were pregnant."  He told me.

"What do you mean, were?"  I asked.

"I'm sorry to inform you, but I believe you suffered a miscarriage."  He said, sympathetically.

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