Another Betrayal

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Seth's POV

A few more weeks passed. I was working harder then ever and nothing about Jonathan came into light. I was getting frustrated. Lissa's mom was back so it helped a lot as Lissa got out more. I went out one night and tried to convince Lissa to come as I really didn't want to go as it was. I was out at a party as we were showing the trailer of the show. I was excited about it but honestly wanted to be at home at this point. I hung with the cast and I had to admit I had fun. I had a few drinks in me and a young woman came over to where I sat with another behind her. She asked, "Can I have a picture?"

I just smiled at her and said, "Yeah."

I was more then willing to let my fans get a picture as I knew it was cause of them I had my success. She sat next to me as her friend took a few pics. Then out of no where, she grabbed my face and kissed it. It caught me off guard. I pushed her away and almost yelled, "What the hell are you doing?"

She smiled, seductively. "Well, I couldn't help myself. You are really attractive."

I stood up as I was angry and said, sternly, as I pointed to the door, "I think you should go."

She just smiled and got up. She said as she walked away, "Thanks, Seth."

I was floored at what just happened. I couldn't believe someone would be so bold. I just wanted to leave at this point. I said bye to the other cast members and left. I got home and found the house dark as everyone slept. I knew I wouldn't be able to sleep. I went to the kitchen and pulled out my jack with a glass. I poured me a drink. I drank it down in one gulp. I wanted to forget about what happened. I knew it would weigh on me. I felt like I did something wrong even though I knew I did everything I needed to do right. But the guilt consumed me. I poured another drink and stared at it. I then swallowed that one down. I was so in my thoughts that I didn't hear Lissa till she asked, "Hey, when did you get home?"

I looked at her and I was so conflicted at that moment. "Um, just a few minutes ago."

"Are you okay, Seth?" She asked.

I looked back at my now empty glass and didn't know if I should tell her or not. A part of me wanted to tell her what happened but another part was afraid on how she would react after what happened with Charlize. It really was conflicting. I then forced a smile. "Yeah."

She smiled back at me. "Come on, baby. Come to bed with me."

I just smiled and said, "I'll be up shortly. Go on."

She nodded and moved back upstairs. I sighed as I felt like I should tell her. But I didn't know how without her thinking I went with it. I was so afraid how she would react. I finally moved as I put the bottle away and went upstairs to bed with my wife.

The next day, I was at home. Jacob and Josh were out with friends. James was up in his room and Jennifer with down for her nap. It was a quiet afternoon as I sat in my office, writing. Lissa was out with her mother again as they were still trying to get things done for our ceremony in August. Lissa included me in the plans and asked what I thought or what I wanted. She just didn't want me to know the final result as she said she wanted to surprise me. So, I didn't interfere much. Just then, my phone rang. I looked at it as it was Rachael. I quickly picked it up. "Hey, sis."

"What the fuck, Seth?!" She sounded angry.

I was confused by it. "What?"

"Oh, don't play stupid. What the fuck were you thinking?" She just didn't sound angry, she was pissed.

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