Moving Pass The Betrayal

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Melissa's POV

I couldn't believe Cindy opened her mouth like she did. She just revealed something to my son that Seth and I tried to hid from him. I was pissed. I watched as Seth chased after KJ. I then turned to Cindy as I was angry. "How could you?"

"I didn't mean to, Lissa. I swear. I forgot he was even here." She said, knowing she messed up.

I yelled as I stood up, "No, you had no right, Cindy! What you did was uncalled for!" Then I calmed down and said, "You should go."

"Lissa, I'm sorry." Cindy pleaded.

"I said go!" I yelled at her.

Without another word, Cindy left. I sat back down and was upset. I knew I needed to leave Seth and KJ alone as I knew Seth was trying to talk to him. Amy then said, "It's okay, Lissa. KJ will get over it."

"I hope you are right." I breathed.

After some time, Seth or KJ did not reappear. I got a little worried. Everyone decided to leave as the night took a turn for the worse. Amy stayed with me outside till I decided to go in, then left. I walked in and didn't see Seth or KJ. The house was also silent. I walked around the bottom floor and saw Seth alone on the couch. I asked, "Is everything okay?"

He shook his head and said, softly, "He hates me."

I walked over to him and sat next to him. "I'm sure he doesn't hate you, Seth."

"He called me by my name instead of dad. If that doesn't show me how much he hates me, I don't know what does." He said, sadly.

I felt for Seth. Yes, what he did to me was wrong, but he loved my children as his own. Even adopted them. He didn't mean to hurt any of us. We didn't want them to know as we didn't want to hurt them. I then said, "Come on, baby. Let's go to bed."

We walked upstairs and I noticed KJ's light on. I told Seth, "I'll be in bed shortly. I want to talk to him."

Seth nodded and walked off. I moved to KJ's room and knocked on the door. "Go away!"

He sounded angry. I then said, "Son, it's me."

I heard nothing for a moment, then I heard KJ say, "Come in."

I walked in to see him laying in bed, looking at the ceiling. He looked at me for a moment and back at the ceiling. I frowned as I saw he was hurt. I walked over to the bed and sat next to him. I asked, "Are you okay?"

He licked his lips and asked, "Why did he do this, mom?"

"I have no clue." I only said.

"He was suppose to be different." He said, softly.

"I know, baby. And he is. He just lost his way for a moment." I said to him.

He looked at me angrily and said in a harsh tone, "How can you justify what he did?"

"Baby, you don't understand what it is like to be married and have kids with someone. Sometimes you have to let things go, even bad things to try and make things work. I know your father made a mistake. I was angry too but I let it go as I do love him. And I know he loves me. Your father also loves you guys and didn't want to hurt any one of you." I told him.

He said, coldly, "He isn't my father."

"KJ." I breathed. "Please don't be that cruel. He lost his way. He messed up. But I punished him enough as I kicked him out. He knows what he did was wrong and I know deep down he will never do this again. He is your father. He loves you guys so much and would do anything for you guys. Don't push him away cause you are angry. You are allowed to be angry, but do not suddenly flip the script and say he is not your father. He willingly took care of your guys, especially after your dad passed away. He has been a father to you ever since. He never thought twice about being there for you. You have to remember that."

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