Without Thinking

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Melissa's POV

It's been a few more months and my little girl was growing. My mom went home for a bit but came back as I had to promote my new movie and she was going to help Seth out while I was gone. It was finally coming out and I was excited to get out there and do interviews. But I hated even the thought of leaving Jennifer for the first time. I went through this with each of my kids. Where I felt guilty for going but I knew I had to. I had a commitment to seeing this movie through and had to do it. I had to fly to New York. I had a bunch of interviews and appearances. Seth knew about all, but one. I didn't tell him cause I knew what he would say and how unhappy he would be. It was on the Howard Stern show. I was asked a few years back on, but Seth wasn't too keen on it so I didn't do it. When I pointed out he did it, he said we were two different people. He liked to keep his private life just that. Even in a joking matter. He didn't even joke about his sex life or talk about it. But I didn't care. I was out there sometimes depending on the environment and Seth knew that. He knew the environment on the show I would not hid much. But I was asked again to come on. I didn't talk to Seth about it, I just accepted. I always wanted to go on the show. Cause I knew I would have fun with it. I knew Seth would find out and not be too happy. But I wanted this. I said my goodbyes to all my kids and Seth drove me to the airport. We pulled up and we both stepped out of the car. He grabbed my luggage and we walked in. We were a little surprise paparazzi wasn't there but we were happy they weren't. Once I checked in and started to head to the gate, we stopped where Seth couldn't go passed. I turned to him and smiled. "Are you going to miss me?"

He smiled back at me. "Of course, love."

"Good." I moved in and took his lips. Then I pulled away. "I'll call you once I get there, okay?"

"Okay." He said, softly. "I love you."

"I love you too." I almost breathed. I moved closer to him and kissed him again. He deepened it. I could tell by the kiss he hated I was going away. I pulled away again and moved away. "I got to go."

"Okay, baby, have a safe flight." He said with a smile.

I smiled back and walked away. I got to my gate and onto my flight. I was in first class. I relaxed in my seat. I was ready to be in New York already. I missed this part of my job.

A few days went by and my interview with Howard Stern came. I got there and was seated in the radio booth as we were about to start. I said hello to Robin and Howard. We talked for a bit before the show started, they instantly made me feel welcome. I felt comfortable with them. We quickly got to joking and telling funny stories. I knew this show would be fun. The show started as we got prepared. The 'on air' light came on and Howard quickly said, "Welcome to our show today. We mentioned all week we would have a special guest today and now she is here. Welcome to the show, Melissa MacFarlane." They kept it quiet on me being there just giving hints as I asked them too. Didn't want Seth to catch wind I would be there. Howard then said to me, "Welcome, Melissa. How are you doing today?"

"I am doing great today. Thank you for asking." I said into the mic.

Howard then said, "Okay, so you have a new movie you are promoting."

"Yes, I am." I said with a smile.

"But I have to bring up, you are married to Seth MacFarlane. How did that happen? I mean, to a lot of people, you and Seth seem like opposites." He said.

I laughed. "Oh, we are. But that is what makes it fun. Seth keeps me in check and I get him to be a little adventurous. I am his ying to his yang."

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