Last Wish

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Melissa's POV

I was in bed as my heart hurt again after what happened with KJ and Seth. My son said he hated me. That hurt me to the core. Seth kept telling me he was just angry. But it didn't make it any easier to hear. Seth got me back to bed and I fell asleep for a bit. I woke up but didn't move. I couldn't deal with seeing my children in pain. It was too much. After an hour, Seth walked in with Josh in his arms. Josh was smiling and Seth put him down. He ran over to me with a piece of paper in his hand. He climbed in the bed with me and said, happily, "Mommy, I made you a card."

He gave it to me. I saw Seth's writing as I knew he helped since Josh couldn't write yet. It said, "Feel better mommy." I opened it and saw a picture drawn in there. I asked with a smile, " What is this?"

He pointed to the woman stick figure he drew and said, excitedly, "This is you." Then to three other stick figures. "This is Me, Jacob, and KJ." And another stick figure. I noticed Seth walking over to us at this point. "This is Seth." Then pointed to a stick figure that looked to be in the sky with wings on it. "And this is daddy in heaven."

I looked at Josh in shock. Then I looked over to Seth. Seth smiled at me and sat next to Josh on the bed. He said to me, "He knows what happened, Lissa. He has understood the whole time." I was at a lose for words. Then Seth looked down at Josh and said, "Tell mommy why you aren't sad about what happened to daddy."

He looked at me with a smile. "Cause daddy is in heaven. He is looking at us and protecting us. He don't want us to be sad, mommy."

Tears built up in my eyes and I was speechless. But a smile spread on my face. I looked at my young son as he seemed to be the only one of us to looking at his father's death differently. "I know he is watching over us, baby. And you are right, he wouldn't want us to be sad. So, no more sadness. How about that?"

"Okay, mommy." He said, happily.

I hugged my son and held onto him. I looked over at Seth as I did and he was smiling. I reached over and grabbed his hand. He squeezed it slightly. "He is a very sweet boy." He smiled.

"He is." I smiled back.

I needed to hear this from my son at that moment. I needed to know that it would be okay. Seth tried but I just didn't think he understood. But he brought my son to me to tell me himself. It was what I needed. Josh pulled back and looked at me with a smile. I looked at him and said, sweetly, "I love you, little boy."

"I love you too, mommy." He said, happily.

I felt better at that moment. Seth then said to me, "I know you needed to hear that. To see the youngest member of our family okay with all this. To know what is going on and still smiling. I know it was what you needed as I know you hurt cause your children are in pain. But I needed you to see not all of them are in pain. One of them is actually okay. I figured I would let him talk to you. I think I will have him talk to his brothers as well."

"I actually like that idea." I said with a smile.

Seth moved in and gave me a small kiss. He pulled away when my young son giggled at our affection. Seth looked over at him and slightly chuckled. Then Seth looked at me and asked, "You ready to get out of bed?"

I nodded. "Yeah."

"Good, cause you have a visitor. I came up here to see if you wanted to see your guest." He said.

"I don't know. I'm not feeling up to seeing people." I said, unsure.

He just smiled. "You will want to see this person."

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