An Unwelcome Face

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Melissa's POV

Everything was great, actually perfect. I was happy. It was now April. KJ came home for Thanksgiving and Christmas. But with Spring Break, a few of his friends from his team wanted him to go to Miami with them. I wasn't exactly happy about it but he was a young man now. I couldn't stop him. My mom also agreed to selling us the house. I was so excited about it. But now I was working on the ceremony. I didn't want a planner to do it as I wanted it just right, especially for Seth, so I was stressing myself trying to get it together. I knew I had time but I really wanted it perfect for Seth. I was walking out of a bridal store when I literally ran into someone. I quickly apologized without looking, "I'm so sorry."

I looked up to see the one face I never wanted to see again, Jonathan. Fear quickly set it. I tried to back up but it was like my feet couldn't work cause of the fear. I began to tremble. He smiled and said, "Well, well. Look who it is. The bitch who ruined my life."

I quickly stammered out, " aren't sup...suppose to come near me."

"You think that little restraining order would stop me. I am going to make you pay for ruining my life." He hissed.

He roughly took my arm and I begged as tears slipped, "Please, don't!"

"Shut up or I will make you shut up." He gritted through his teeth.

Just then, I heard a familiar voice say behind me, "Let go of her or I will call the cops."

He did and I felt relief but I still was scared. The person behind me moved beside me and it was Cindy. She said in a low, cold tone, "If you EVER come near her again, I will personally see to it that you will never see the light of day. And I do not mean prison."

I saw her glare at him as she stood her ground. "Bitch, this is none of your business."

"When you mess with her, it is. In a matter of fact, you will have a lot of people to answer to if you try to touch her again." Cindy warned him. "And they are not very nice people. Now get out of her while you have a chance."

I was so relieved to see her. To have her protecting me. Jonathan glared at me. "This isn't over." He warned me.

"No, it is over. Cause you really don't know how lucky you got the first time that you didn't get beat into a bloody pulp. Now go before I let the men who wanted to hurt you know you are here threatening her. Cause trust me, they would love to have a few words with you." She threatened him at this point.

He walked away without another word. I let out a breath I didn't know I was keep in. I then broke down in tears as I sobbed. Cindy quickly put her arms around me and said, "Come on, let's get you somewhere to calm down."

I just nodded as I cried. We found an outside cafe and sat down. She hugged me till I calmed down. Once I did, I looked at her and said, gratefully, "Thank you."

She smiled at me. "Anytime, Lissa. That monster shouldn't have come near you again."

Then I asked, a bit confused, "How did you know?"

"Tabloids and don't get mad, but Amy told me." She then looked away and said, sadly, "I wanted to come see you or call you so much after what happened. Just to make sure you were okay. I know I was a bitch for opening my mouth the way I did. I saw you come out of the bridal store. I wanted to say hi but decided not to as I was afraid you would get angry with me. So, I went to move my own way, but then I saw him move to you. He made it so you would bump into him, intentionally. I knew who he was from the tabloids. I knew he was the one who tried to...well, you know. I knew you were in trouble. I couldn't stand back and let him try to hurt you again. I couldn't live with myself if I walked away. I figured you wouldn't mind if I came over to get him away from you."

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