Hard Training

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"What do you have for me Cisco?" Barry asked as he ran throughout the city.

"You've been playing good samaritan all morning. Take a break dude. Go to Coast City. See your girlfriend." Cisco said in the Cortex.

"There was a bombing in Coast City. She's very busy right now." Barry explains. "She'll kick me out if I show up."

"We can't afford to waste anymore time." Wells said as he walked into the Cortex.

"What, cause we've been sipping Mai Thai's since you got here?" Cisco snapped at Harry.

"I don't know what you've been sipping since I got here but Barry needs to get better, faster, stronger." Harry argues. "We need to train to prepare for Zoom."

"Oh, I see. You haven't had your coffee this morning." Cisco jokes slurping his coffee.

"I had my coffee. Don't slurp." Harry complains.

Cisco continues to slurp his coffee.

"Don't." Harry threatens. "Don't."

The computer beeps, "Runaway chemical transport truck heading south on Kester."

"On it." Barry hops in the truck and tries to stomp on the brakes. "I can't stop the truck! Somebody rigged it!"

"You can't let that truck crash!" Caitlin says into the comms. "If you do, it'll take out a whole city block."

"Great. Thank you." Barry moans. "Thank you for that." Barry honks the truck horn to get cars out of the way. "That was close."

"Uh, dead end ahead!" Cisco warns. "You have to get out of there!"

"Oh come on."

Barry rushes out of the truck and takes off all of the tires. The truck collapses and rolls to a stop.

"Nice! Now can you please take a break?!" Cisco pleads to his friend.

Barry appears in the Cortex, "How's that for training?"

Harry narrows his eyes, "Great."

"Look we're gonna catch Zoom. We got Turtle locked in the pipeline. All we have to do is use him to figure out how to steal Zoom's speed and then we'll get your daughter back." Barry says cheerfully.

"That might take longer than we thought." Jay walks into the Cortex.

"Why's that?" Cisco asks.

"Because Turtle's dead."

"He better not be pulling a Juliet. Yeah that's right, I see plays." Cisco crosses his arms, clearly proud of himself.

"He's dead, Cisco." Caitlin assured him.

"How did this happen?" Barry looked at Caitlin.

"Preliminary brain scan shows an acute brain aneurysm." She replies pulling up the brain scan on the monitor.

"The night we captured him. How's that for timing?" Jay adds.

"What does that mean? You think I did this, Garrick?" Harry questions. "This man is the key to us stopping Zoom, to saving my daughter. Why would I want that?"

"Never understood why you do anything, Harrison."

"That's fine with me Garrick."

"Guys, look. We need to figure out how to stop Zoom. Everything we've tried so far has failed. We need to start thinking outside the box." Barry cut into the two's little spat.

"I mean, we haven't even figured out how to close the breaches yet." Cisco pointed out. "Maybe that's where we should start."

"That's a good idea."

Coast City Hours Before


Matty taps her on the shoulder, "Almost everyone is out."


The team ducks as it explodes, smoke covering the streets and the people. The building explodes and rubble crumbles to the ground.

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