The Magnetar

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"Jay maybe crazy pants but he can pick a venue." Cisco said as they walked into the facility where the Magnetar is.

Zoom rushes in with Joe, "Brought the whole crew with you, huh? Can't say I blame you."

"Dad!" Wally takes a step forward but Iris brings him back.

"It's gonna be one hell of a show." Jay smiles evilly.

"Let him go." Barry demands.

"After we race."

"Cut the crap. We know you plan to power up the Magnetar so you can destroy the multiverse." Wells snaps as he points his weapon at him.

"Bravo. You figured it out....almost. I don't want to destroy all of it. This Esrth is at the center of the multiverse. It's the access point to every other Earth in existence. One trans-dimensional shockwave and...poof." Jay explains to the team.

"Leaving just our Earth, how generous of you." Cisco grumbles sarcastically.

"Need to have some place to hang my cowl. You might want to say your goodbyes." Jay announced and sped over to another part of the complex.

"Don't worry." Barry says as both him and Dakota face the group. "I'm gonna save your dad."

"No." Wally shakes his head. "You're gonna save our dad."

"Go back to STAR Labs. It's safer." Dakota adds.

"We're not going anywhere. We got eyes and ears right here." Cisco argued.

"Either he goes or we all die together." Caitlin finishes for Cisco.

"We believe in you." Wells says.

Matty walks up to Dakota, "Your father and Griffin are on their to Coast City right now with their things."

Dakota nods and hugs him, "If something happens, promise me you'll take care of them."

"If I don't die too, I promise." Matty smiles and pulls away. "Now go kick some ass."

Dakota turns to Barry, "Alright, let's go."

Barry gives her a hug, "I'm proud of you."

"Come on. We have a race to win."

They flash over to where Zoom stood.

"What are the rules?" Barry asked.

"One lap, around the inside of this loop will produce about one gigawatt of energy, and I need 500-plus to power the Magnetat enough to do the job." Jay explains to them. "Once it's full, I win, because there is no stopping it."

"So all we have to do to beat you is stop you before that happens." Barry looks up at the Magnetar.

"It's that simple. But at any point, you decide you don't want to race anymore, dear old dad number two is a dead man, as well as your little fan club."

"Noted." Dakota flipped on her mask. "Let's get this over with."

"Let's see what you're made of."

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