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Is this my life?
Am I breathing underwater?
~ Metric, Breathing Underwater

"I am not enjoying this." Katie sits snuggled up to Marshall as she eye judges the room and the people in it. There is nothing wrong with the people here, they just aren't her people.

The snobby, trust fund children are Katie's type of people.

"I like it here." I smile as I take a sip of my beer.

We had to walk down a dark hall that had tattered posters of different 90s bands that once played here, and I was certain that Katie was going to turn back once she saw them.

The stage is set, but there's no one playing yet as there is still fifteen minutes till the show begins. The bar is currently playing a playlist of different 80s and 90s rock music as people sit at different tables around the room, enjoying the atmosphere.

"I bet you can't chug that." Marshall gestures to my full beer with the bottom of his beer bottle. I raise my eyebrow at his challenge before looking at the beer in my hand.

I tip the bottle and start to chug. I can hear Marshall starting to chant and a few people around me join in. I finish the beer and slam the bottle on the table. I stand up and take a bow as most of the room applauds me.

A few guys walk by and fists bump me as they head to the bar.

"I'm impressed Lexington. Didn't think you had it in you, next one is on me." I laugh at Marshall as Katie glares at her boyfriend while mine looks at me in shock.

"Oh, don't tell me you didn't know I could drink. We went to college, what did you think I was doing Friday nights when you were studying?"

Will looks at me before answering, "studying."

I roll my eyes at him. Silly boy, I wasn't living at home, of course I was partying.

"I'm getting another beer since mine is empty." I slide out of the booth that we are situated at. The line for the bar isn't long, with only a few people in it.

"Did you see what that one couple was wearing? They look like they are going to a club." The blonde one of the group chimes in as they wait for their drinks.

"I wonder why they would come here." A woman with caramel like skin speaks next, "it doesn't really look like their scene."

So, they were talking about Katie and Will then. I don't see anyone else in the entire bar that looks like they are ready to go to a club. They do stick out compared to the rest.

"Excuse me, but that's my boyfriend and his sister you are talking about." The ladies all have equal looks of shock on their faces.

"No offence to you, but what are you doing hanging out with people like them? Doesn't really seem like you fit in." The blonde looks me up and down, admiring my outfit, before adding, "sweetie take my advice, once he dumps you they won't want to be your friend anymore."

I'm unable to say anything else as they are given their drinks and walk off to their table.

"What can I get you, honey?" The bartender looks to be in her forties. She offers me a warm smile, she must have heard my conversation with the blonde.


Once I have my beer I head back to the booth just in time for the band to come on the makeshift stage. I watch in awe as the lead singer takes hold of the microphone, "Hellooooo Boston! Are you ready to rock?"

I completely forget about my friends and beer as I join the crowd of people forming along the stage. I'm able to push my way through so that I'm close to the stage, but not right against it. If any of the five members were to reach their hands out, I would be able to reach them.

Fallen Angels (UNEDITED)Where stories live. Discover now