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For the record you're the broken one
Tried to sing along but we got stuck
So we turned it over and over again
~ I Prevail, Stuck In Your Head

The next few days are rough.

Isla finally told me when she found out about her grandma, who was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer.

It was shortly after the show in Salt Lake City.

The rest of us had gone out for food with a couple of other bands, but she hadn't joined us instead saying she felt sick and staying back in the bus.

She didn't tell me who she hooked up with but she never left the grounds of the concert and was sleeping when we got back that night, so my guess is another musician or someone working for the venue or Warped.

I try to help her keep busy during the day, but there is nothing I can do during the night.

"Are you coming to the show today?" Erik's voice pulls me from the trance I'm in.

"I'm not sure." I can hear Erik sigh, I was supposed to be in Pittsburgh yesterday but with the way Isla is, there was no way I can leave her.

"Considering you would need to leave within the next hour to make it, I'm guessing it's a no." I can hear the annoyance in his voice as I press the phone closer to my face with my shoulder as I put some of the clothes I had to buy into my suitcase.

We were here longer than I expected which meant I didn't have enough clothes.

In reality, I had assumed we would be here a day and then Isla would want to fly home where I could grab some clothes from the apartment, but nope she wanted to stay in Virginia Beach.

She has been calling and texting Kyle nonstop to the point he texted me and asked me to take her phone.

"How is Kyle doing?" I make sure to check to see if Isla is in the bathroom before asking.

"He still wants nothing to do with her, I don't think there is any coming back from this Av."

I knew Kyle is struggling with the concept that another girl he loved has cheated on him, first Scarlett and now Isla.

"Nothing at all?" I question.

"He's blocked her with the amount she's harassing him. I think it's time we return to our lives."

"I don't want to meddle in their relationship as they are both my friends, I just want to see them both happy." I sit down on my bed as the door swings open and a lobster red Isla walks in with a book in hand.

"I know and Kyle respects that, he just doesn't want anything to do with her for right now."

"I should go, Erik, I'll call you when I know more about when we are leaving. Enjoy Canada." He doesn't say anything and hangs up the phone.

I understand his frustration but Isla is my friend and I know hearts don't heal overnight.

I want to be there for her, but he's not wrong about needing to return to our lives, this is Kyle and Isla's problem. Not mine.

I'm missing time with my brother right now.

"Is Erik mad at you?" I turn to look at Isla as she speaks.

There have yet to be any tears for the day, but that doesn't mean anything.

The day is still young.

"No, he's fine." I turn away from her and focus on sorting through my clothes.

"Please, Avril don't lie to me." Isla pleads with me, "I know this isn't how you wanted to spend your time, especially with your brother being here."

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