Chapter 5

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Red pov.

"Hey Red, Vio just called, he said we have to go to the store tomorrow, any idea what he means?" Green asks very confused as we're the ones that get the groceries. 

I shrug "We'll ask him when he gets home, he's coming in pretty late" I tell him, washing up the cupcake pan, I volunteered making them for the local girl guides. 

Green shrugs, leaning on to the counter, "is Shadow still asleep?" I ask rinsing off the first tray. 

"Yeah his alarm is going to go off in 15 minutes" Green tells me crossing his legs.

Blue arrives home matching the daily dose of 'Emo' music from Shadow's alarm. He groans, he hates being awake while the sun's out. He loves winter. Blue chuckles hearing it and goes into the dining room, I can tell from his foot steps. Green calls out half heartedly "Make sure you clean up before sitting down"

Time skip

The door bell rings through out the walls, strange I know it's Vio from the time, but he always just opens the door himself. Green thankfully takes the responsibility of dealing with it himself. I sigh relived that I didn't have to leave the stove unattended while using it. "Hey Violet, how come you-" I over hear Green speaking cutting himself off abruptly. Something is definitely up.

They come upstairs and Blue spits out his drink, a some unfamiliar giggle following it. I put down the wooden spoon I was using and head out. Vio turns around smiling at me, passing a small very young newborn to me. "How did you?..." my brain struggles to comprehend all of what's going on around me (including the babies features). 

"The case I'm working on, well the two people who died were his parents, his shoulder was hit with what we assumed to be a wipe. He's ours, Fayre has already emailed the adoption agency explaining the situation, Majora's ours" looking down at the giggling little ball, I realize what he means.

I cradle him, Shadow coming in and having the baby explained to him is just background noise to me. He starts to nod off his little head bouncing just a tiny bit trying to fight it. "It's a good thing everything is set up, We even got Green's old bassinet..." I say interrupting whatever their conversation turned into. Green nods going to fetch it, Majora, my baby, yawns finding his eyes falling shut.

Having it brought into the dining I lay him down. He smiles relaxed, his uninjured arm shifting slight. "He needs to go back the lab in the morning, he's going to work with me until the end of the week, that's all they have for time working with him," Vio tells us, going into the kitchen. Shadow squats peering over the edge of the bassinet. Green and Vio deal with the rest of dinner, Blue tries to snap me out of my hypothesized state.

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