Chapter 74

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Blue pov.

A while ago we had to make a deal with Vaati. Because he would just go into the corner whenever we took him to the home school meet ups; he would immediately nest in the corner and barely even talk to his brother. So the deal was he had to join some sort of activity that meet up once a week and we'd leave him alone. He chose ballet and told the teacher he didn't want anyone knowing he was a boy.

We checked he doesn't identify as a girl, nor any other in between status. He is completely cisgender, no matter how girly he is. He just knew that all the girls would want a dance partner. And that he'd end up just tossing them all class. So yeah he told one of them his full name is Vaaith which is a lie but he's turned it into a nickname.

He now needs a dress for a tea party because he doesn't want to wear the leotard again. I'm pretty sure that at some point I'm going to end up buying him a training bra. He is disturbingly determined to as a cisgender male convince these girls that he's a girl and he ain't doing it to be sexual. He's doing it only to get out of the bad parts of ballet.

Majora has tried joining many different  clubs but we keep running into issues with him. First we tried boys scouts. He actually wanted to be a brownie, but it's still a girl only thing. He cried for an hour about that, after we explained that they do almost the exact same things. Then it was soccer. He somehow got stuck in a tree in that one. During the game with no one noticing, until he had been up there for half an hour.

So we just drop him off around other kids and let him play with his modified dolls. He likes making monsters out of chibi dolls you can never remember the name to. He's gotten good at it too even being able to sell one he didn't like. A lot of people are starting to judge us for how old he is. I don't care about their opinions but he really does need to go to an older play group.

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