Chapter 72

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Vio pov.

It's been obvious for awhile that Sheik has entered puberty. I'm so glad that I only have to explain the pure Hell that Sheik has to go through. Not have to deal with a lot of doctors to know what to expect. And most importantly not go through it. I got the easy mode of puberty and even that was a nightmare. So having extreme mode on ain't something I want to deal with second hand.

Majora is turning 11 soon and he is still such a sweet kid. He still makes art pieces for blind people. We sell them online and for being 10 he's making some decent cash. And we might be able to push him into grade 6 work. Or have him skip a grade next year if we can't manage this year. He does the work and does great when he goes to the actual school for tests.

Vaati is doing grade five work along with Majora, he'd be in grade four had he stayed in the normal schooling. We've found out a few things out raising him. One all animals seem to have an unnatural bond with him. Two chickens are an exception to that, and he is convinced they are pure evil. Three he is the most accurate little thing when it comes to the weather.

We had a few more run ins with the mask. Majora doesn't let us stay with him. Green thinks that Majora figured out from what we told him about the original Majora that the mask can only be there if he's alive. So he sneaks off we call the police right away and they find him in horrible conditions and have to take him to the hospital. We got a few abuse accusations but the proof always lands in our favor.

We got a cat. Her name is Twilight and she follows Vaati everywhere. She's a fluffy black cat. A white heart on her stomach. She's always cuddling him the second he sits down. Purring at any attention given. Majora is honestly really jealous, so we're thinking we might get him a pet, but it's always the weird ones that he clings to. Not so much birds, but reptiles and ferrets. I'm leaning to the snakes but it will probably be a ferret. Green has a fear of snakes.

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