Chapter 102

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Sheik pov.

Entering Majora's place I can already tell he wants to go through an entire shelf of movies. He can get really over zealous. It's honestly kinda impressive how he can be such an incredibly bright and happy person with all those events. I guess it's because his parents always keep him from truly feeling helpless. That's what makes PTSD any event that made you feel helpless that made a lasting impression.

Vaati never got that while living with his glorified sperm donor. Majora's mask thing always makes a ticking sound before attacking. Though it can vary in how long the count down is, there's always a warning signal. Vaati could be hurt at any point so he had to create copping mechanisms in order to not be hurt. Vaati is also a lot more observant, it's a genuine challege to do any of my exercises on him.

As Majora sets up the DVD Vaati sits down next to me. They get pretty close to me most of the time I'm around. It's fairly impressive as that happen once when I had snuck onto the school roof. "I think Majora is gender-fluid," he whispers to me getting even closer to me. 

"Why do you say that?" I bring my legs up crossing them.

"Majora pretends to be a girl pretty often. Not just when they play dress up, he just decides to switch from guy pronouns to girl pronouns. I've also seen him staring at a few training bras lately," Vaati pulls away from me just before Majora gets up and sits on the other end of the couch. I can see where Vaati is coming from. But most stuff we could look at for likely hood just doesn't work with someone raised to like whatever.

"Hey I have something that I really need to tell you guys," it's just the trailers, and ones that we have already seen so we're missing nothing. 

"What is it? Do you have a crush?" Majora has become quite the guesser. Vaati doesn't seem happy with that.... 

"No, over the summer, I'm going to be moving to Vancouver..."

Neither of them were happy with that.

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