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      His eyes went wide, as a smile slowly crept across his face. The fear and sadness in his eyes turned to joy and happiness almost instantly. I couldn't hold back the tears of mixed emotions as I broke down in an uncontrolled sob that I had only experienced twice before.

"Really?" He asked in a cheery voice.

I nodded quickly.

"Yes." I replied with a slight chuckle in my voice, tears still streaming down my face.

"Take the ch-ild. My peo-ple will pr-otect it. I-I love you Jessi-ca."

Slowly, the life from his eyes began to drain away as blood pooled in the back of his throat. I pressed my hand up against his cheek in his last moments, before I felt his skin grow lifeless, as his head slumped to the ground one last time.

I hovered over his body, utterly defeated, and devastated. I was soon to bring a child into this world of brutality and war, and that child would now be without a father, and that was my fault. I felt Amy's hand come down on my shoulder, but I pushed her away as I stood up and began screaming up at the sky. I grabbed my bow and started running into the mob of warriors in a blind rage, but Tahli tackled me to the ground before I managed to do so.

"Come on Jess. Come on." She said as she dragged me back towards the others.

When I came back to my feet, May was hovering over Noah's body with very visible tears dripping down her beautiful face as she lightly touched Noah's arm with her nose. She was very clearly distressed, and seeing his daughter in emotional pain, Doron seemed to grow agitated.

I knew what he intended.

"The rest of you, take the dragons and leave. Retreat. Doron and I will fight the others alone. No further death is warranted." I said firmly as I put my bow back over my shoulder.

The three of them exchanged brief looks of confusion.

"No. No way." Bailey said as she whipped tears from her eyes.

"You three will leave here now! I will not allow any further deaths on this day. Doron and I will fight. Alone." I said again, firmly.

Just as I said this, May stepped to my side and looked down at me, with revenge in her eyes. I nodded slowly at her, before looking back to Doron for approval. The look in his eyes left no doubt that he disapproved, but he seemed to know that May would not be swayed. Magar was clearly opposed, but Doron made his intentions clear.

"We'll protect her Magar! I promise!"

Just as I finished my sentence, I felt Bailey wrap me up in a hug, before she back away, smiled, and turned towards her dragon. Amy and Tahli did the same before they too turned towards Veracon and Ragon. May and I watched as the three dragons rose to the clouds high above, then vanishing within them.

I turned to May.

"May.... You his only child left alive. If you've coming with us, you stay close." I said before kneeling down beside Noah and giving him one last kiss on the forehead.

I stood up, and turned to Doron.

"Right! Let's do this!" I shouted as I held my bow up above my head.

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