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      The night was restless, with no sleep being had for many of those within the camp. All through the night, able bodied men worked tirelessly to construct large catapults capable of hurling what ever was loaded onto them, though we knew not the exact distance they projectiles would fly. My legs still dangled from the cliffs edge as Amy played with my children off behind me, when Sir Ivan came calling for me.

"My Queen!" He shouted as he and a small group of guards approached.

I stood and started towards them. As I approached, the men knelt before me-bowing their heads to the ground as Amy pulled Jamie and James aside. Bailey promptly came to my side, standing with a great confidence about her.

"Rise, gentlemen." I said as I motioned for them to stand with a nudge of my finger.

The men rose to their feet, brushed themselves off, and nodded happily at me, I returned their greeting nod, though Bailey seemed skeptical that such cheeriness was warranted.

"What might I be able to do for you?" I asked Sir Ivan.

"My Queen, my most elite guards and I have come up with a potential method to engage the enemy on their own turf, rather than allowing them to corner us against the cliffs. If you'll allow us, we wish to present the purposed idea before you and your advisers." He said as he folded his hands.

I looked to Bailey for guidance. She nodded. 

"Alright. Present your intended plan." I replied to him.

Sir Ivan bowed, before walking over to a patch of ground that lacked grass, replaced with only dry and brittle dirt. He poked his finger into the dirt and began drawing something.

"Far beyond our borders, along the coast line, there lay cliffs that over look the waters with only a few miles between them and the ocean. Should we manage to coral even a small number of them into that area, they'll not be able to flee. It is certainly a risk, but having two or three of the dragons attack from the front and the rear would make short work of the soldiers caught between the cliffs and the sea. Provided that the dragons mind themselves and never remain a stationary target, the ambush should go largely unchallenged." He said as he pointed to various spots on the drawing-showing a a rough outline of the ocean and the cliffs.

I pondered for a moment, unsure of whether or not the risk was worth the potential reward. Just as my mind began mixing potential outcomes together, Veracon and May flew over head-calling back and forth to one another. Veracon's injured wing had not yet healed fully, though he had managed to figure out a way to fly somewhat normally again-though his mobility was somewhat reduced.

"How long would it take us to reach this spot?" I asked Sir Ivan.

"Difficult to say. The dragons themselves could likely make the flight in a small number of days. But men on horse back would likely slow you down." Sir Ivan replied.

I sighed, stuck in a debate within myself.

"Would men be needed?" I asked.

He shook his head.

"If done properly, the slaughter could easily be carried out by the two largest dragons. You may not even need to take all four." He replied.

I nodded, pleased with what I was hearing.

"And how would we go about driving soldiers into the catch area?" Bailey asked.

"Have one of the dragons dive from the rear, breathing fire in line with the ahead cliffs. Soldiers will scramble for safety, and inevitably some will end up caught between the cliffs and the water. Once there, two or more dragons could easily burn those caught in the trap, then flee before being shot at." One of the guards replied.

I raised an eyebrow, still debating whether to act, or wait for them to come to us.

"If we can beat them there, we can sit and wait for them to walk right into our trap. Should the massive armada sail into view, one or two of the dragons can turn and engage them. Preferably one of the smaller ones. They're small and quick enough to weave in between the ships without getting shot down. The two larger ones may be to slow to react should the ships alter their course and trap them with their mounted weapons from all angles. Keep the larger ones to the land and the smaller ones to the water." Sir Ivan added.

I pondered again, unsure of what to do. If our potential ambush succeeded, we could cut down our enemies massive army by a considerable number. However, if something where to go wrong, we could all end up killed.

I sighed.

"The four of us will fly for the cliffs, but we will do so alone. No soldiers lives will be lost in this fight. Keep the men rested, and construct as many weapons and barriers as you can in our absence. Upon our return, we will again sit and wait for the enemy to come within range of our army." I exclaimed.

Sir Ivan bowed with a smile.

"Right then. With your permission my Queen, I would like to discuss the geography of the journey you will take to reach this spot. So as to clarify for you where you must go." He said.

I nodded.

"Very well. Let's talk." I replied.

Hey all, I just started a new story called " The Dragon and the Mustang!" Be sure to check it out as well as my other two stories " The Dragons of Lithia, and The Lost Dragon"! Enjoy!

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