Book 6: A Rain of Colors

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     Nearly three years had long since passed us by, following the death of the dragon and the fall of the moral that drove us and our people to hold our ground. Following the dragon being shot from the sky, and his rider slaughtered, Sir Ivan and the Queen's guard began to slowly lose faith. Sensing a possible mutiny, I made off with my then infant children in the darkness of the night, and flew as far north as I could with my four dragons-finally settling within the mountains that sat to the farthest north, beyond the reaches of the war that ravaged the land we had come to save.

James and Jamie were now more than capable of walking and speaking, albeit, not to the degree than an adult would manage. Keeping the two young lings in check and out of trouble wasn't what anyone would call an easy task, though I loved my children dearly and was willing to spend most of my waking hours tending to them. Bailey and Amy would do most of the hunting from the ground whilst May guarded them from above, but the other three kept mostly to themselves in the mountain top-leaving us to dwell on the ground. Only on occasion would one of the three show themselves through the clouds, blocking out the sun that shone through. Magar and Veracon had grown at a rather normal pace over the three passing years, but Doron's growth had increased due to his abnormally long ventures out to sea to spend a week or so hunting whales and giant, eight armed creatures with sticky circles running all up their arms. Having had an increase in his growth rate, Doron was now nearly one and a half times Veracon's size. Needless to say, a single beat of his wings was sometimes enough to uproot trees.

"Beautiful isn't she?" Amy said as she sat down next to me as May circled around over the lake that backed against our newly formed camp.

I looked to her and chuckled.

"Yes, she's quite stunning. I wonder why she stuck around when the other three prefer to stay higher up. We hardly ever see them unless we call for them." I said as May passed in front of us-her red and white wings glistening in the sunlight reflecting off the water.

Amy shrugged her shoulders.

"She's small enough to stay down between the trees. The others are so large that they can't even spread their wings without destroying half the trees along the lakes edge." Amy replied.

I sighed as May set down on the other end of the lake and bent down to drink from the lake. She had grown to an enormous size, though the others were larger. Her wings stretched out nearly sixty feet on each side, her body only a little longer than her two wings put together. Having grown from only just large enough to ride, to a monstrous, battle hardened dragon who very closely resembled her mother-and was more than capable of destroying entire fleets of enemy ships.

"It would be nice to still have all five." Amy said with a sigh.

I shrugged my shoulders and sighed, thinking back to the day the green dragons blood spilled out onto the cliff.

"Death is part of war. It was bound to happen to one of us." I replied.

Just as I finished my sentence, Bailey came from the trees behind us with James and Jamie holding each of her hands-the two of them giggling and running towards me when I turned to look at them.

"Hello my little lovelies!" I exclaimed as I turned and spread my arms.

The two of them rammed into me, both repeatedly saying 'mommy' in their cheery, little child voices. It certainly never failed to fill my heart with happiness and joy. Amy and Bailey both watched with wide smiles on their faces as May took off and made up for the clouds above.

"Oh! Look at May! Isn't she beautiful?" I sarcastically asked as I looked up and pointed at May flying up towards the sky.

James and Jamie both jumped with joy as they watched her ascend, before out of nowhere, the enormous Magar dove from out of the clouds and playfully chased after May as she turned and dove back towards the lake below. The three of us, and my children, all hurried to the lakes edge to watch the two magnificent beasts playfully fly after each other over the lakes smooth surface. The water rippled with each beat of Magar's enormous wings-the thrust created by their mass nearly knocking me from me feet as she flew past. Shortly there after, Veracon emerged from the clouds as well-his bright golden wings shinning brilliantly under the suns bright light. His size dominated the sky for a brief moment, before Doron then emerged from the fluffy white cloud cover that hid the mountain tops above. Teasing his brother, Doron nearly flew into the golden dragon before diving down to join his mate and offspring. Not caring about his blood relation to the others, Veracon joined in the other three in their playful circling of the lake. James and Jamie both watched in amazement as the four dragons made pass after pass around the lakes edge-May temporarily diving beneath the still waters and reemerging with a rather large fish in her jaws. But I could not yet enjoy the sights that I was beholding. I was riddled with anger and the need for vengeance against those who had started every war I had ever known.

"We can't just stay here, we've been here for years. If we aren't going to fly home, we sure as hell can't just live here until we die." I said.

Amy shut her eyes and sighed, not wishing to engage in another argument over what our next move should be.

"We can't just fly back in and demand that they allow us back into power. They won't kill us, but it would be a shock to me if they welcomed us back with open arms. We preached about how powerful these dragons were, and the second largest being killed so easily likely scared them into forcing us away." Amy replied.

Bailey shook her head.

"For fucks sake. They didn't force us to leave, we left on the assumption that they would turn on us when rumors of the dragons being weak began to spread. It's no secret that us coming out here was a mistake in my eyes. And I'm certain that if we went back to fight along side them, even if they thought we'd all die, I doubt they'd turn us away." She replied.

 "You seriously think that we can just walk on in and demand to be back in power?" Amy asked aggressively as she turned to Bailey.

"No I don't you unintelligent whore! All I said was that if we went back, I have no reason to believe that they'd try to kill us. There's no reason for them to do that." Bailey replied firmly.

Shocked at Bailey's response, Amy slapped Bailey across the face-somewhat shocking her.

"Holy shit you two! What's wrong with you?! Are we really going to fight each other over this?" I exclaimed as I stepped between the two of them.

The two of them looked at me, both annoyed that I stepped in.

"You wan't to go back without question, you want to stay away out of fear. Perhaps if we prove that we aren't as weak as you seem to think they do, then we'll just have to bring them something to prove otherwise." I said.

After a moment, the two of them both grew sinister grins across their faces, followed by my own. 

"We've allowed the dragons time to grow even larger, and their scales even thicker. That was my reason to stay away for as long as I have so far. I think it's time to end this once and for all." I said as I fixed my sword holster. 

Hi All! Just thought I'd let you know that I have 2 new stories available on my profile page. "The Dragons of Lithia" and "The Lost Dragon" are both stories that you will certainly enjoy if you enjoy The Dragons Daughter! And obviously you do if you've made it this far! Enjoy all!

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