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   The victory against the Bland's spread like wildfire throughout the countless camps and villages along the coast, raising the moral of the fighting men who had pledged their lives to me and my five dragons. There was no formal burial. The bodies of the four executed were pulled apart, their limbs, organs and heads hung along the undefined borders of our claimed territory, serving as a grim reminder of the new dragon Queen who had flown from across the sea to end the war of all wars. 

My legs dangled from the sheer cliff face as the waves crashed up against the rocks, creating a loud but satisfying series of sounds creating by the waves cresting further out before breaking against the cliff rocks. In the distance just off the cliffs, Veracon and Ragon circled around one another as they hunted the creatures of the sea far below, while May sat at the cliffs edge, basking in the midday sun. Doron and Magar were not to be seen however, having become very elusive unless called upon. May's purrs and yawns masked the sound of Tahli walking up behind me before sitting down-dangling her legs off the edge of the cliff.

"Enjoying the view?" She said as she sat down next to me, tossing her bow to the ground.

I took in a breath of the fresh cool ocean air before responding.

"Yeah, it's beautiful. Such a shame that this land has been largely ravaged by war." I replied.

She sighed, brushing her hair out of her face, clearing her view.

"The war will be over soon enough. You have five dragons at your command, along with an army of savages willing to fight and die for your cause." Said Tahli.

"I only have one dragon under my control. The other four follow their own masters." I replied.

Tahli shook her head, while a half grin crept across her lips.

"You are bonded with their leader. You're the reason they're alive. Even if the others aren't bonded to you, they would always follow you and your dragon should you tell them to. You simply allow us to ride them." Tahli said as she put her arm around my shoulder.

The two of us watched the two dragons rise from the water with their prizes in their jaws. As Ragon took down the apparent shark head first, he seemed to spot Tahli sitting next to me from afar. The green dragon broke away from Veracon and glided on the ocean breeze towards us, outstretching his claws and latching onto the cliff wall. The cliffs shook violently as the enormous creature dug his spear sized claws into the rocks-before climbing to meet us. 

Tahli reached out her arm as Ragon rested his head down on the grassy ground next to Tahli, his breaths flattening the grass out in front of him as Tahli rested her head up against Ragon's lower jaw.

"Like I said, Ragon is Loyal to you." I said.

Tahli tilted her head to look over at me, chuckling.

"He may be loyal to me, but I'm loyal to You. The two of us fly as you and your dragon command." Tahli replied.

I chuckled, before turning to look at May as she slept. Her white stripes shimmering under the suns light, her blood red scales glossy and reflective. She seemed to sense that I was looking her way, as her eyes suddenly snapped open. The young creature quickly retrieved her barrings, before rising and spreading her wings, then diving off the cliffs edge-screeching as she rose to meet Veracon mid flight.

"Go on." Tahli said as she patted Ragon's lower jaw.

Ragon moved his eye to look down at her, before raising his head and letting go of the cliff face-spreading his wings and soaring back out to Veracon and May, calling out to them as he beat his leathery green and black wings.

"They really are beautiful creatures. It's quite a shame that only five remain." Tahli said as she watched Ragon rise, chasing Veracon playfully through the open air as May watched from below.

Tahli and I sat on the cliffs edge for hours, just watching the three dragons beat their wings against the cool air. Needless to say they gave us quite a show. I was slowly starting to get tired, my eyes growing heavy, when a loud screech from behind me startled me back to attention. Tahli and I both turned and looked back as Magar and Doron dove from the clouds and flew out to the others, joining in the others as they frolicked in the cool ocean breeze.

I chuckled.

"They're the only thing that will win this war and keep these people on our side. If they die, our followers will no longer believe in us. We won't be able to protect them." I said.

The last of the Dragons-Set 2Where stories live. Discover now