2| Tears

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Ugh, what's that sound?

I try to move my arm to turn the damn alarm clock off but my body won't move. I desperately try to open my eyes but my body just won't budge. It's like I'm completely paralyzed,

What the fuck?

I panic once I hear a door opening nearby. Is Bogum back? Did he beat me so bad that my body's actually broken-

"Oh my god?" I heard someone gasp. "This is Taehyung? My Taehyung?"

Jin Hyung? Jin Hyung! Help me, please! Wake me up! [Wake me up! Wake me up inside! I cant wake up! Wake me up inside! SAVE ME!]

"This is Kim Taehyung," someone else stated, a female.

"What happened to him?" Jin Hyung asks as he walked closer. I can tell it's him because his voice has gotten louder.

"His boyfriend at the time beat him until he fainted. The cops got there just as his head hit the floor." The female explains.

"I'm aware of that part but like medically, what are all the injuries?" Jin Hyung asks.

I feel tears trickle down my cheeks as the memories of the recent event.

"Oh lord, look he's crying. Can he hear us, Docter Jeon?" Jin asks as he grabs my hand, rubbing soothing circles.

"I'm not sure. His current state is difficult to manage. He seems to be on the verge of a comma,"

"C-comma?" Jin whispers out.

"Yes. The boyfriend repeatedly smashed his head into the wall. Taehyung has a severe concoction and two broken ribs. I also found older bruises along with the fresh ones." The doctor explained.

"Are you saying Taehyung, my happiest and chirpiest baby, has been abused for a long time already?" Jin asks in disbelief.

"Yes, yes I am." Mrs. Jeon states in a sad tone.

"Can I get a minute alone with him?" Jin asks.

"Of course," the doc mumbled before leaving with the click-clack of her heels.

There were a few minutes of silents before I heard a loud sob from Jin.

"I-I'm so sorry, Taehyung! I should have been there for you. I should have been able to see the signs, damn it!" Jin cried out.

I try to move my body so I can tell him that it's ok and that I'm fine but to no prevail.

"Please, Taehyung, I need you to wake up. Your parents are really hurt and worried about you. Oh and your grandma! I..I was the one to...to tell her what happened! The look on her face was so...so terrified." Jin sobbed out onto the bed.

Just as I tapped one finger, the door opened, creaking loudly. I hear several footsteps approach.

"How is he?" A deep voice asks, a voice I don't recognize.

Jin sniffed before answering.

"We don't know when he's gonna wake up. Or even if he going to-"

Just then I force my eyes open and move my hand on top of Jins.

"Taehyung!!" Jin shouted as he throws himself on me.

Pain spreads through my side which leads me to scream out in pain. Jin jumps off me and calls for a nurse. I squeeze my eyes shut as the pain hits my body at every angle.

What happened after, I don't know. All I know is I blacked out form the pain


6 months later

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