E1| Phone call

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E1-Extra chapter one

This is a missed chapter that I forgot to publish hehe

-Four days since Taehyung's kidnapping-

"Hey, Jungkook," My father greeted when I answered the phone.

"Hey," I mutter, my interest in everything decaying with each day Taehyung is gone.

"Videos of you with the police have spread and people are beginning to worry. They've noticed the change in your behavior and the absence of Taehyung," 

"Like they care. Everyone just wants the inner scoop of my life," I snarled.

"I wouldn't be so sure," He sighed, "You know how fond the press are of Taehyung. They ask him more questions than you. And are always sweet ones," 

He's right. The press would ask Taehyung how he was doing. If he had eaten well and what he had eaten. Always making sure I treated him right. He was all over magazines. Even getting calls from modeling agencies but Taehyung never liked being in the spotlight. He was only ever comfortable answering the press's question if I was there.

"Well I don't have time to handle them, I need to find Taehyung," I grumbled.

"But see this could help you," He started, "If I set up a press conference then you could explain the situation and maybe someone can give us a lead. People would be on the lookout for Taehyung. And or the other two," My father explained, his voice laced with hope.

"That's a good idea," I state with a small smile.

"I can set one up from 12 to 1 tomorrow,"

"The sooner the better,"

"I know. I miss him very much," he let out a sad sigh and I could have sworn I heard a sniffle.

"Do you think they'll kill him?" I ask, my own voice lightly cracking.

"I hope not. I don't know much about your brother, but I do know that Bogum is a bastard who isn't afraid of getting his hands dirty. I just hope Yuguem comes to his scenes," 

"I want him back, Dad," I whispered, "I can't live without him. I can't live knowing he's going through pain and suffering." I said, desperately trying to stop my tears.

"I know, Kookie," And with that I broke down, missing the way Taehyung would call me that.

"I want him back," I chanted into the phone, listening as my father tried to soothe me.

"C'mon Kook, you know Taehyung wouldn't like seeing those tears," He said through the phone, his own voice cracking through his own tears.

"Tae, wouldn't want to see you sad. He'd want you to be strong and fight for him." 

He's not here!

 I bite my lip to keep me from snapping at my father.

"Y-you're right," I whisper, wiping away the remaining tears. 

"I just miss him so damn much," 

"We all do. That boy made his way into our hearts the very day he stepped foot into this house. He changed all of us. Look at us, Jungkook, we call each other now. You and your mother actually talk to one another. And your sister, she doesn't block us out of her life anymore. Taehyung brought our family back together. Can you believe that? That a small boy who barely spoke fixed out family?" My dad, asked, almost talking to himself than to me.

"I told you he was incredible," I chuckle.

"Taehyung's a brave boy, Jungkook, he's been through so much as it is. It's sad but it's true that that boy knows how to handle pain. How to handle abuse. Taehyung's gonna be okay and he'll be waiting for you,"

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