58|Person of interest

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Kinda a long chapter sorry


-6 months since Taehyung woke up-

"I'm home," the sound of my boyfriend's voice boomed through the house as he walked through the front door.

I could hear Jin and the others greeting him as he moved through the house. Most likely looking for me. Now, usually, I would be waiting for him in the living room or kitchen to greet him with a hug and kiss. But today is a little different.

Instead of leaping from my spot into my lover's arms, I'm sitting in bed fanboying over a man that's old enough to be my father.

I started a new show this morning, bored out of my mind since I finished my latest book series. I scrolled through Netflix until I landed on a show called Person of Interest. And let me tell you...the main character is so hot. Like daddy, please.

Which leads up to me, currently still in my pajamas: Jungkook's t-shirt. Sitting cross-legged in the middle of the bed, clutching Jungkook's pillow to my chest as I let out several squeals and giggles. The blankets were either hanging off of the bed or just flat out lying on the floor.

I threw myself forward onto the bed as the door creaked open. My chest now flat against the pillow that now lay squished between me and the mattress. With my ass on full view as it sticks up in the air. Giggling and gushing as the main character, John interacts with his dog.


"Kookie, not right now. My mans is on tv," I quickly interrupted the said male, not even bothering to look up from the screen. Another wave of giggle sprang out when John turned into his cold self again.

Suddenly, the tv screen turned black. Only my reflection is visible on the screen. Looking over my shoulder I'm met with an angry boyfriend.

Jungkook's arms were crossed over his chest with his hands in tight fists. His tongue poked the inside of his cheek. The dimple on the other side of his cheek is now prominent.

I'm in trouble...

"Kookie," I called hesitantly, knowing damn well I ticked the older off.

When Jungkook didn't reply I knew I fucked up. It's been 6 months since I've come out of the coma. So a whole year since I've been kidnapped. There have been some step backs. Like how my anxiety has gotten worse. Especially my social anxiety. I can't leave the house without Jungkook or I'll freak out.

Even around our family and friends, I'm not as out there as I was before. I'm more shy and timid. It takes me a while longer to get used to the big crowd. But at the end of the night, I always end up more comfortable. It just takes time and a lot of praise from Jungkook to do.

But as well as a few other setbacks, Jungkook, and I's relationship took a few turns. Some for the better and some for the worse. Now, it's nothing bad. Nothing to worry about. It's just a little bit different from how we were before.

While I became more dependent on Jungkook, he's become more possessive and territorial. It's not like I don't mind. God, I love it when he gets possessive. I love the way he kisses me harder and holds me tighter. The way he growls...god I just love him.

But as much as I love him, it's still kinda hard to deal with it when it's my fault. Take our current situation as an example.

When I got no response from the older, I slowly made my way from the bed. Letting the pillow lay crinkled with my body print lay on the bed. I kept my head low as I walked to him. Knowing when I see his hard eyes I'll cry.

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