40| Hot CEO Boyfriend

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Sorry late update, some family shit went down this weekend

Also, bitch this song fucking slaps


"I think it's a great idea, what do you guys think?" Yoongi asks, looking at all of his friends that are gathered in the living room.

The room erupted in agreement before settling on Jungkook and I. I was currently wrapped up in a blanket on Jungkook's lap. He had me curled into his chest as he softly patted my covered back. My head was tucked under his chin and my hands were buried far under the blankets.

"My father got in contact with one of the best security companies and they set up a meeting today at 5 pm," Jungkook said.

"Will anyone be home by then?" Jin asks, snuggling into Namjoon's side on the love seat.

"My shift ends at four, so I could have Wonho drop me off." I offer, knowing Jungkook doesn't want me to be alone.

"I can see if I can get off work early," Yoongi says, looking up at Namjoon.

They both nod at each other before turning back to the rest of us.

"I can bring my work home with me so I can pick you up after your shift," Junkgook volunteers before softly pecking the top of my head. 

"The restaurant has been really busy lately so I'm not sure if I'll be able to let me or Jimin go early," Jin explained with a sad sigh.

Jimin pouted as he hugged onto Hoseok tighter. Leaning his head on his shoulder. Yoongi was on the opposite side of Hobi holding his hand with one hand while the other rested around his shoulder to play with Jimin's now blond hair.

"what about you, Hobi?" I ask, my voice getting softer from tiredness. 

We all woke up early at 6 to talk about the situation. It's been a week since Yuguem's temper tantrum and threats. We all have been on high alert and protective of each other. No one has had a deep sleep, constantly listening for any strange noises in the night.

Even Yoongi. He woke up in the dead of night because he heard me go downstairs and get a cup of water. Yoongi is a very heavy sleeper and has never gotten up in the middle of the night since I've known him. That night he voiced his concerns and we cried and cuddled on the couch for the rest of the night.

The morning of, out boyfriends came frantically into the livingroom when they woke up to us gone. But when they saw us together they were relieved but also worried. When we told them what happen they all cooed before cuddling next to us. That day we had a family movie and game night.

"I have a private dance lesson but I'm sure I can ask her to come early, the parents seem understanding. I'll text you about it later today," he says before pulling both of his boyfriends up.

"We should get ready for work now," Namjoon yawns out while standing up.

With the agreement we all head to our room, getting ready to start out the day. 

When Jungkook and I enter our room I immediately flopped onto our bed. Burying my face into Kookie's pillow, inhaling his pine scent. 

I heard him chuckled before I felt the bed dip. Then he flipped me over so I was now on my back and he was hovering over me.

"I love you, baby," He breathed out, leaning down to kiss my nose.

"I love you too, Kookie," I giggled, inclining up to place a kiss on his lips.

We both smiled into the kiss before deepening it. I allowed him to lead the kiss as he dragged his hands under my--his--hoodie and placed them on my hips.

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