27| Eomma

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"You're late-" Jin began but immediately stopped once his eyes landed on us.

Everyone starts talking, asking what's wrong and what Jungkook had done to me. But all of that seemed to blur into a certain person, screaming certain words over and over again. I feel every injury and mark he had inflicted on me, burn against my skin. Every word he would scream at me stabbing me in the heart, killing me little by little.

I suddenly feel someone's hands on my waist, a blood twisting scream leaving my lips. I shut my eyes as I wait for him to hit me. Like he always did when I would scream before he even hurt me. The voices around me all sound familiar and at the bottom of my heart I know it's my family but my mind keeps screaming at me to run away. 

I feel a hand pet the top of my hair as my body gives out. My brain shutting down, protecting me from the pain it thinks I'm about to face.

I was wrong to think I'm allowed to be free,


With a final punch, he throws me to the ground, a shard of glass slicing just above my belly button. I cry out as I push my palm against the wound, trying to stop the bleeding. With tear-stained cheeks, I watch Bogum grab his leather jacket before opening the front door.

"I want this house spotless when I get home, I don't want to see one drop of blood. If I do, I won't hesitate to kill you," He sneered before leaving the house with a harsh slam of the door.

"I...I can't -can't do this anymore,"


"This house better be clean!" He shouted as he slammed the door open, angry when he sees me scrubbing away the remainder of the mess; My blood on the living room floor.

"I-It will only take a few minutes before this is clean, I-I promise!" I cried out as he stomped towards me.

He harshly grabs my arm, hoisting me up in the air. I shout in pain when I feel the gash on my stomach open more. He kicks over the bowl of bloodstained water before throwing me back onto the wet ground. The smell of copper and blood making me more nauseous.

"You know, I was hoping we could cuddle before bed but it seems you were a naughty boy who deserves punishment," He chuckles as he unbuckles his belt.

I scramble away, wincing at the pain on my stomach. I scream and shout as he makes his way closer to me.

"Stop!" I shout as he rips my shirt off, leaving me in nothing but my boxers from earlier.

"Be a good boy before Master makes this worse for you!" He shouted at me as he pulled at my hair.

"No! Stop! Please-


"S T O P!" I scream out as I shoot up in bed, cold sweat mixing with my tears.

I sob as I'm met with nothing but a dark empty room. Both sad and happy I'm alone. I let out another loud sob when someone burst into my room, scared Bogum is here for another round of hell. I pull at my hair as I back up against a wall.

"No! Please no more! I'm sorry I'm sorry! I'll be a good boy!! Please don't touch me anymore!!" I scream out, tears never stopping as they pour down my face.

"Taehyung, Its Eomma, Eomma's here now. She won't let anyone hurt you anymore." A sweet female voice whispers.

I open my eyes to see my mother in sweats and a t-shirt with tears streaming down her face.

"Eomma's here, Taebaby, Come to mommy," She calls softly as she holds her arms out and opens for me to run into.

"You won't let him get me anymore, right Eomma?" I ask, hesitant to go into her arms. Scared she'll disappear once I touch her like she did every night when He would beat me.

"Mommy will protect you from the badman. Now, come to mommy," She once again beckoned softly.

I let out a shaky sob as I throw myself into her arms. With one arm wrapped around my middle and the other holding my head to her chest, we both sink down onto the floor. I hold my arms around her tightly as she rocks us back and forth, singing a soft tune in my ear.

"I'm sorry Eomma wasn't there to protect you," She whispered into my ear, a chocked sob erupting from her throat.

"I'm sorry, I'm not a good boy, Eomma," I cried into her chest.

"No-no darling...you-you are such-such a g-good boy," She stuttered through the cries.

"Why is it always me?" I whisper, my voice shaky.

My mom takes in a chocked breath before letting out a loud cry that only makes me cry harder. We both cling onto eachother because neither of us could answer that question. Neither of us knows why I was the one to be beaten by my uncle, or why my sweet boyfriend loved to hurt me.

"Does...Does god hate-hate me, Eomma?"

"No, Sweetheart...He-he just-just...I'm sorry." Is all she could say before breaking down once again.

That night my mother and I wept into each other's arms. Neither of us wanted to pull away from eachother because this is what we both needed. I needed my mom to hold me and sing to me while I cried. She needed her son in her arms because no mother ever wants their baby to hurt. It's their job as a mother to protect their children with their life and there is nothing worse than knowing you had failed and could do nothing about it.


Short chapter because I felt that If I added on with the plot it'll ruin the mood between the two. I know most of my chapters have been 1400 or 2500 on average so sorry that I only did 944.

I also felt like this chapter was well needed because I know it mainly focuses on what Taehyung has been through and how that has affected him but I felt that I should bring his mother into it. I know it's a mother's nature (Not all, but most) to protect their children from all harm. I also know that most moms are always devastated and blame it on themselves if their child has gotten killed or injured (This is mainly based off of movies so please don't bash me)

After my stepbrother died my stepmom had blamed herself and she is still not her normal self and I don't blame her. Anyway, I just wanted to let you know that I don't plan on just showing Taehyungs pain but also his families, I just thought that his mom deserved her own chapter.

Love you bbys


August 25, 2019

I was watching bangbangcon last night and I only made it through the three. I fell asleep an hour into the last one. I didn't go to bed until 6 am hehe. my mommy was not happy when she found out. but it was worth it. I hope you guys enjoyed it as much as I did. my voice was almost gone when I woke this morning. I had a lot of fun though. I really miss them :((

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