-Thank You-

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I just want to say Thank You to everyone that actually read this trash. It took me a whole year to write this thing lmao.  

it was a fun experience. but I don't I'll ever do this again unless you guys want me to. I have a few other book ideas. But I'm not gonna commit if no one reads it. I'm gonna see how well this one goes. So far, now a lot of people really read it.

But umm I would really like to thank a few readers that have been here from almost the beginning. They never fail to make me smile because not long after I publish, they vote. And their votes really mean a lot to me.

@Wadha30, literally was there for as long as I can remember and I just want to say thank you for actually reading this book!

same with @chloemh6, you were also here for a long time. Always voting not long after I published.

You two were always the names that popped up on my notifications saying that you voted. 

There were times when I wanted to delete and just throw this whole book away but then I remembered you two. As long as you guys seemed to have liked Silent then I kept writing. So thank you, you two. 

Now, I'm gonna edit Silent later but I'm not sure when. There are a lot of grammar mistakes because I'm just stupid. I literally don't have an excuse except for the fact that I'm actually stupid. 

Well, I guess that's it. 

Haha wow...I can't believe it's over.

If you want me to write more books then I guess you can comment.

I could do a part two, like a second book...but I'm not really sure what it would be about. Got any idea you can either comment or dm me.

OH! would you guys want a Q&A. I' de be down to do one if you guys wanted. But it's up to you bby's!!

Welp that's it for now!!

Damn...It's actually over...huh,


October 18th, 2020

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