S2-2| Uh Oh

126 7 3

I hummed to myself as I made my way down the street. My eyes wandering the window of the shops I passed. Always open to buying a gift for one of my three bunnies.  

Oh, I need to Stormy that new paint set he wanted-

My little Stormy has a really good hand in art. He paints and draws just as good as any great painter. Well, better than any painter in my opinion. I think he's passed me but the three say that I'm better. But, those boys always praise me so I never know if they actually mean it.  

"Oof-!" was the sound that came from my mouth when I bumped into something.

"I'm so sorry! Are you alright?" Or I guess, someone.

I looked up and a gasp slipped my lips. 

No way, no freaking way!

"Sir, are you alright? I'm sorry, again, for bumping into you. I was looking at the shops and-" The familiar man continued to rant as I stared at him. 

Shock and excitement racked through my body. So, being the person I am, I threw myself into his arms. My arms wrapping around his neck to pull him down into a hug.

"Shonwu!" I giggled out, giving him a tight squeeze before pulling away. 

I looked up at him with big eyes, happy to see his face after so long.

"D-do I know you?" His voice was one of confusion, along with his face.

"Oh my goodness, I totally forgot!" I pulled off my mask and beret, lightly shaking my wavy blond hair. 


I smiled up at him with a nod of my head.

"Taehyungie!" He screamed out before picking me up into his arms, spinning me around in the air.


He set me back down a little harshly but I didn't blame him. Not everyone can pick me up and set me down with as much ease as my strong husband.  

"I can't believe it's really you!" I laughed out.

"I know! I just moved back to Korea."

"You're telling me you've been in Japan this whole time!" I exclaimed, earning a nod from him, "You were there for a very long time. Practically all of your adulthood."

"I know," He scratched the back of his neck, "I can't believe that you still look the same. Still so small." 

As we continued to talk, we made our way down the street. Talking about old memories and just catching up with each other. Our smiles never seizing and our laughter ringing the air around them.

I got a text from my phone, a smile pressed against my lips as I read who's from.


I'll be home for dinner today, baby


Yay! I'll make your favorite for chu!


Don't forget my dessert;)

I let out a giggle, not noticing how Shonwu gave me a look. A look I would have corrected if I had seen it. Oh how I wish I've seen it.


Don't worry, Daddy. Baby will be all dressed and ready for you. 

Any color you feeling?

SilentOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora