43|End of March

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Omg half of the story got deleted!! I don't even know how I'm gonna have to rewrite it? I wrote it at like 3 in the morning a week ago when I felt inspired. Ugh, I'm so frustrated. there's no way I'm gonna be able to rewrite this-I'm cryingggg


-Thursday, March 26th-

"Kookie, I need to answer the phone," I giggled as I tried to push myself off of Jungkook.

"C'mon baby, let daddy kiss you," Jungkook said teasingly.

I could feel him smile against my neck as he littered open-mouth kisses on my neck. Jungkook and I are currently making out in his office on his office chair. I had my legs straddling his thighs as my arms wrapped around his shoulder and my fingers trailed through his hair. Kookie had one hand placed on my ass while the other tightly held my waist from under my white sweater.

He had pulled me into his lap while I was looking at the view before attacking me in kisses. I couldn't complain because god, do I love his lips on my body. I rolled my head to the side as he kissed and nibbled at my bare skin.

"What if it's important?" I whined out as I pulled his hair back to make eye contact with him.

"More important than me?" Jungkook asked, his voice dropping an octave as he stared into my eyes.

I couldn't help but gulp under his intense stare. Feeling so small under his gaze and fragile in his hands.

"N-nothing is more important than you, kookie," I whispered before softy pressing my lips against his.

He hummed into the kiss as he kissed me back. Lightly pulling me closer against him as he gently moved his lips against mine. When I felt him slide his tongue over my bottom lip, I pulled back with a small moan.

"Please, Kookie?" I pout.

"What do you mean sweetheart? The ringing stopped-" Just then was he cut off by my phone's ringtone going off.

I giggle as I hop off of his lap skipping to my phone that laid on the couch. Upon seeing my manager's image icon and nametag, I immediately answered the phone.

"Hello?" I answered.

"Tae, I need to open the cafe," Mr. Kim said, his voice worried.

"I thought Wonho was supposed to open? My shift doesn't start for 30 minutes."

"I know dear but Wonho got sick, Lisa is still a long way away, and the chef just left to get last-minute things." He explained.

"Oh," I let out a sigh as I look over at Kookie, "I can be there in 15 minutes."

"I'm really sorry, Tae, I know how much you love your morning with your boyfriend," Mr. Kim apologized.

"i-its okay, will I still be getting off at the same time?" I asked.

"Of course, once Minho clocks in you can leave. He's supposed to be there about 15 to 20 minutes before your original time,"

"Okay, thank you Mr.Kim. Mabey I'll see you later for a morning cup of coffee,"

"No, thank you, Taehyung, and I might take you up on your offer. I hope to see you before you leave today, bye, Taehyungie," And with that Mr.Kim hung up.

I sigh as I let my hand drop to my side.

Sensing my change of mood, Jungkook got up from his chair and made his way over to me. Wrapping his arms around my waist before pulling me close against his chest. Enveloping me into a hug that always seems to rid any stress or discomfort.

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