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Today's the day. The day I get to bring my baby back home. To bring him home after these long seven months. It's been three days since Taehyung has woken up, three days since I've gotten to be with the love of my life again. After a few days of testing and extra precautions, I finally get to bring him home. Which leads to where we are right now.

We're currently listening to soft pop music--the station Taehyung always use to listen to--as we drove home. I had one hand placed on his thin thigh. Rubbing my thumb in circles on his outer thigh while the rest of my fingers squeeze the flesh lightly. The soft fabric of his sweatpants-that were mine-keeping him warm in the cool fall air.

"When can I bring Shadow home?" Taehyung asked, his voice soft as he looked up at me with puppy eyes.

Luckily, Taehyung didn't stop talking after the incident. He is a lot quieter than before. Only speaking when he is talked to. And even then, keeping the answers short. Everyone was worried at the lack of speech from the boy but were none the less relieved that he was indeed speaking from time to time.

Baekhyun wanted to ask Taehyung why he talked so much when he woke up compared to how much he talks now. After he woke back up from his panic attack, he hardly spoke. As I said, he only spoke when needed. Baekhyun wanted to speak with his younger brother. To make up the lost time but struggled when the younger didn't participate.

It was frustrating for the family and friends but they understood. They understood Taehyung would have to make his way back to them slowly. But that didn't stop their subtle glares when the younger would speak to me. Answering and conversing with me whenever I was around.

When Taehyung and I are alone he is more talkative. Asking questions and carrying out conversations with me as if we were never apart. Except for the constant need to be with one another. I mean it was there before, but now? God, we've been joined at the hip since he's woken up.

He may talk more freely with me but even when I'm around he wont talk as openly with other people. With other people in the room, Taehyung will whisper in my ear during our conversations. As if he didn't want to fill the world with his creative thoughts. Leaving them only for me to hear and bathe in.

"We can bring Shadow home once he gets his check-up," I answered with a small smile, squeezing his thigh as I do so.

I heard his giggle before feeling his hand slid on top of my own. Tracing the tattoos that now lay inked in my skin. His finger traced every black line. Goosebumps run through my arms before the hair on my neck stands up. My body goes into pure euphoria every time he touches me. Missing the feeling of my lover's skin against mine for so long.

"When did you get these tattoos?" Taehyung's eyes never left my inked hand.

"I was drunk one night and I woke up with a tattoo," I explained with a shaky breath. The reason I was drunk is a painful memory I wasn't quite ready to talk about. Not being able to burden Taehyung with my issues when he has a bundle of his own.

"I'm sorry I wasn't there for you," His voice was filled with regret and sorrow.

"Don't apologize-"

"But I-I'll cuddle you lots to help make up for it,"

When I turned to look at him my heart sunk to the bottom of my stomach. There, my lover was looking at me with big teary eyes. A sad smile etched onto his lips. His hands were gripping my tattooed one in a firm grasp. As if he was scared to let go.

"Yeah," I breathed out, blinking the tears away as I looked back at the road ahead.

After that, the car ride was filled with the sound of soft music. As well as random giggles here and there whenever I squeezed his thigh. Taehyung's thighs were sensitive from the start but since he's woken up, it's as if every touch brings a stronger feeling.

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