41| Back Alley

303 12 4

Sorry for the verrrryyyyy late chapter. I can explain.....I've been lazy:(


"You guys should have seen Jungkook yesterday," Hoseok laughed to Jimin who was sitting next to him.

"Why, what happened?"

"He only went crazy when the dude who came in to install the security almost tripped onto Taehyung," Yoomgi stated with a chuckle, joining in on the conversation. 

I couldn't help but laugh as I sat next to them on the couch. Jungkook was currently showing Namjoon and Jin how to work the security system. Hoseok and Yoongi already showed Jimin, as they were there with Kook and I when the dude came. 

It's now the day after and everyone finished work. Everyone got out a bit early so they could really learn how the system works. Though Jungkook and Namjoon had to bring some work home with them. It's about 7 and everyone finished dinner not too long ago. We're now all in our pajamas hanging out. 

"Yeah, he literally picked me up and growled in the poor man's face," I pout, recalling the memories.

"I mean, Jungkoook growls at everyone now," Yoongi scoffed.

"He's just stressed about Bogum. We don't know where he went, or Yuguem. Their both missing," I explained. 

"What about the interview?" Hoseok asks. As soon as they got home that day, Jungkook told everyone what had happened. Not leaving out a detail of the encounter that had shaken us all.

"He didn't show up. We asked around and nobody has seen him," 

"That's creepy," Jimin stated a shutter visibly going down his spine. 

"I know. That's why Jungkook is so on edge." I sigh as I look down at my lap at the beauty marks on my hands, "He doesn't want anything else to happen to me, Hyungs,"

"None of us do," Namjoon says as he walks into the living room with Jungkook and Jin at his sides. 

As Namjoon and Jin take a seat in the love seat--that they seemed to have claimed--Jungkook picks me up from next to Jimin. Placing me next to him on the other smaller couch. I curl into his side, resting my head on his chest as I do so.

"I think we're all on edge," Jungkook grumbles while looking at Yoongi.

Yoongi and I have had the most trouble sleeping throughout the night. So we always make our way down here to the couch. We usually stay up late until the early morning before going back upstairs to our boyfriends. Jungkook hasn't been too happy because he doesn't like the fact that I'm away from him at night but he understands that I also need my friends at the moment.

"Do you think they're working together?" Jin asks from Namjoon's lap.

"I don't know," I mumble out, "I don't want to think they are. I mean it's Jungkook's brother-"

"He's not part of my family as long as he interacts with that bastard," Jungkook growls.

"But Kook-" Hoseok started.

"Yuguem and I have never had a good relationship. It was never gonna be good and it only completely fell apart when he decided to bring harm to Taehyung and the rest of my family," Jungkook explained, his voice and eyes cold.

"So you do think they're working together," Jimin stated.

"Yes," Jungkook grunted, "He spoke about Bogum's plans to get Taehyung back. Why would Bogum tell him if he wasn't involved somehow?" he asked.

"What could that fucker be planning?" Namjoon asked, more to himself than to us.

"L-let's not talk about t-this," I mumble out, not wanting to think about all the horrible things Bogum still wants to do with me.

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