14| Cold

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"Why are you so cold now?" I ask as he turns his back to me.

"I don't have to explain myself to you," He growls in a mean tone, making me flinch.

I was taken back by his sudden mood change. Especially when he used that tone on me.

"You're right, you don't have to explain anything to me but you are being mean to me," I snap back.

"I can be mean to whoever I like and just because you've been through some shit in your life doesn't mean I'm gonna treat you any better than anyone else. And it's not like we're friends or anything anyway so why should I be nice to you?" He scowled, his back still facing me.

"You are such an ass," I whimpered out as I crawled into bed.

I bury my face under the blankets holding it close with clenched fists as silent tears poured down my cheeks and onto the pillow. I hear Jungkook sigh before feeling the bed dip -to what I assume- is he getting on the bed. I know he's under the covers because the blanket slightly pulls from his side of the bed. I scoot to the very edge of the bed, not wanting to be near someone who doesn't even like me.

I'm so stupid to think Jungkook would ever like me. He was just playing with me,

I release a small snivel once the wave of his pine scent hits me in a wave. I curl my knees into my chest and cry as the memories of feeling safe and happy with Jungkook flood into my mind. Every moment was just him playing a role because Jin probably told them all to take care of me.

"Taehyung," Jungkook whispers softly reaching out to put one hand on my waist.

"Don't touch me! You feelings playing bastard!" I shouted into the pillow as I moved away from his touch.

"Taehyung stop and listen to me." He commanded as he tried to get a grip on me but I only kept on struggling.

I thrashed around trying to shake off his grasp as I continued to cry.

"Taehyung!" Jungkook finally shouted. Slamming my wrist above my head while using his legs to stop mine from kicking. His whole body hovering over my smaller one.

"Please listen to me," He begged in a mere whisper, his own eyes shining bright with tears.

His eyes I've once looked into and felt lost in are now eyes I fear and question. They once looked like they held the whole universe but now all it holds is lies.

Lies I've fallen so hard for,

"Please leave me alone, Jungkook. To you, it may be a game but to me, I was actually letting my guard down because you made me feel safe!" I sobbed out, turning my head so I didn't have to look at him.

"Tae, baby," He speaks softly as he loosens his grip on my wrist.

Even though I could slip free I couldn't help myself but melt from the nickname.

"I'm so sorry, I didn't mean what I said." He lowers his head so it's now laying in the crook of my neck. His warm breath fanning my ear as he does so.

"I didn't mean to be cold to you its just...I get so...so jealous by how close you are with everyone. Everyone but me. It makes my blood boil when I see you so happy and touchy with our hyungs because you aren't like that with me." He explains before pressing a soft open mouth kiss under my jaw making me subconsciously tilt my head to give him better access.

"Then I see how Hoseok and Yoongi look at you like pigs. Especially when you wore that damn skirt. I'm scared their gonna sweep you off your feet and run away before I could even try." He continues to linger kisses all around my neck while rubbing his nose in some places.

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