4| Worthless

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"So Taehyungie, have you met everyone?" Jin asks from the head of the table.

I place my fork down before signing, "No, I've only met Yoongi properly. I know Jungkook just from you saying his name."

"Ya! I told you to all introduce yourselves, Eomma never raised you to be impolite!" Jin hyung scolded.

"But-" Joonie started but was quickly cut off.

"Oldest to youngest!" Jin demanded.

"He already knows me but, I'm Min Yoongi. I work with Namjoon to produce music."

"Hello! I'm Jung Hoseok but everyone calls me Jhope or Hobi. I'm a street dancer as well as a dance instructor. "

"Hi, I'm Kim Namjoon, or as you call me, Joonie. I work with Yoongi to produce music."

"Heyy, I'm Park Jimin, I work at Jin hyungs restaurant."

"Hello, I'm Jeon Jungkook, I'm getting ready to take over my father's company."

"What company?" I ask and Jin translates.

"My father is the CEO of Jeon tech." He states before continuing to eat.

"No way that so cool!! I don't do anything fun, I just work at a dog cafe."

"No that's just as cool as any of our jobs. If anything, it's way cooler!" Yoongi cheers from my right.

"What did he say?" Jimin and Jungkook ask in unison.

"Taehyungie here was saying how cool Jungkook and his father is and how he works at a dog cafe," Najoon explained.

"That's way cooler than my job. You get to play with dogs and have fun while I get to do paperwork all day." Jungkook grumbled.

"I don't really like my job, sometimes eerie people come in." I sign with a sigh.

"He said he doesn't like it much because creepy people come in." Yoongi translates.

"Yeah but you got Wonho there and you know he'll protect you," Jin adds.

Suddenly I hear Jungkook growl from his place beside me.

"How does he even make that noise?" I sign to Yoongi in secret [can you even do that lmao😂]

"I don't know, he seems to be protective of you." He signs back.


"Yeah I've never heard him growl like that before," Yoongi explains.

"Stop being all secretive!! I want to know what you're talking about!!" Jin whined. "Taehyung pull your shirt up!! You look too sexy with one shoulder out!" He quickly scolded.

I blush before quickly pulling the t-shirt over my shoulder suddenly making it dip in the front showing off my collar bones and chest.

"Ugh just go change. What have I said about wearing only t-shirts when there are guests over, anyways?" Jin asks.

"To wear pants and a shirt that fits me because many people would not hesitate to take advantage of me." I shyly sign.

"Good boy, now will someone carry him upstairs to change? I'm gonna start on the dishes," Jin states before taking everyone's plate to the kitchen.

Before I could even ask Yoongi to come with me, Jungkook has already swooped me up off my feet, bridal style. I cling closer to him as a small, shy whimper escape. Jungkook must have heard the noise because now he's rubbing circles on my bare thigh. I snuggle into the crook of his neck, smelling his faint cologne and pine scent.

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