25| The Jeon's

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"Come on, Doll," Jungkook calls out with his hand outstretched for me to take.

With a shaky hand, I grab onto his, pulling myself out of the car. I stare at the grand house in front of me. The house itself seemed very modern with the theme of black and white. The sight of the house alone made the light nerves that were bundled deep in my stomach to come launching up into my throat, causing a wave of nausea to crash into me.

Jungkook seemed to have noticed the slight panic on my face. So he softly wrapped one arm around my waist, pulling me against him, while his other hand cupped my left cheek. I close my eyes as I lean into his touch, allowing my hands to lay flat against Jungkook's chest. The heat radiating from him gives me comfort wich calms my nerves along with the help of his soothing touch and calming smell.

"There's no need to be nervous," He whispers into my ear but I couldn't help but feel like he was saying it more to himself than to me.

"I'm scared--what if they don't like me!" I cry out, leaning my head against his chest.

His hand that once held my cheek tangled into my hair, lightly running his finger through my silver locks. Jungkook didn't say anything as he held me tighter against him. His hands slipped to my hips squeezing them hard, a small squeak leaves my lips at the sudden action. Sensing the discomfort Jungkook is in, I wrap my arms around his neck and lace my finger through his hair. I look up at him with a small smile which he returns hesitantly.

"You scared too, aren't you?" I ask in a small voice, feeling weak and vulnerable in his arms.

"I've never brought a boy home before...they didn't really approve of that-this kind of lifestyle. My brother would bring boys home for a quick fuck and my father would always punish him," Jungkook explained through grit teeth.

My body tenses at the word punish, "Did your father-?" I cut myself off before I could even finish.

"No, he never hit us. I mean he would spank us when we were younger but that was only when we really got in trouble. Other than that, my dad only slapped me once because I said something awful to my mother. I totally deserved it and to this day I hate myself for ever saying such a horrid thing to her," Jungkook told with sadness, guilt, and anger shining bright in his eyes.

"I'm sorry..." is all I could say in this situation.

"It's fine," He sighed. His eyes drifted towards the house before looking back at me with a sudden change in his eyes, it was something that I couldn't place. "Once we're inside I won't be able to show you as much affection as I would like so can I kiss you?" Jungkook asks as his hand slides up to cup my cheek once again.

"Please do, Jungkookie," I begged, tilting my head slightly to the side so he could kiss me deeply.

Jungkook doesn't waste a second before he smashes his lips against mine. I whimper softly into the kiss due to stress and anxiety he pours into it. I pull Jungkook closer by his hair as I go on my tipy-toes for better access. I allow Jungkook's tongue to wander and explore my mouth as small moans leave my lips.

"Mmm~" I moan into the kiss when Jungkook sucks on my tongue playfully.

"Baby," Jungkook breaths out once he pulls away to trail wet, sloppy kisses down my neck and shoulder.

"Kookie~ no hickies, please-ah~" I moaned out, the feeling of his lips against my skin making my senses cloudy.

"Why not, sweetheart?" He asks, nipping at the crook of my neck.

"You're family will see~"

"I want them to see." Jungkook growled out before pressing his lips back against mine.

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