28| Three days

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"Let me see him, please," Someone begged from behind my bedroom door.

It's been three days since the first message I got when I was with Jungkook. In those three days, I haven't left my room or let anybody enter other than my mother. I completely isolated myself from everyone. 

My mom tried to convince me to leave the room or to even let Jin or my dad in but it only leads to me crying in her arms. I haven't eaten much either. Only eating a few apple slices here and there.

I sit up in bed, curious on who's trying to come in at this time. It's currently two o'clock in the morning, usually, everyone is asleep by now. Also, everyone has given up on trying to get into my room or even see me.

"I'm sorry, Jungkook, but as his mother, I won't allow you to see my son in that state." My mother whisper shouts at him.

"Please, I can't just stand here knowing he's scared and hurt. I need to be with him right now," Jungkook begged.

I stand up, slowly shuffling towards the door so I could hear their voices better.

"How do you know he needs you?" My mom snapped, a ping of hurt stabbing at my heart from the way she's talking to him.

"I don't know if he needs me but I know that Taehyung needs someone to hold him and tell him that he's perfect. He doesn't need pity or just arms to cry in. He needs someone to tell and show him that he's loved and cared for because that man made him feel like he's nothing but a burden. Taehyung believed every word that bastard said to him and it's our job to make him know that his ex was horribly wrong. It's our job as people who love and care for him to show him how special and precious he is." Jungkook explained in a strong voice. Every word coated in sincerity and passion.

Jungkook isn't wrong. Sure, it's nice to finally have arms to cry into but my mom never really said anything other than 'It's gonna be okay' and, 'I've got you'. They were reassuring words when I was scared Bogum was going to get me but they didn't help pull me out of the dark hole I've fallen back into.

"J-Jungkook, thank you for caring for my son...but I don't think he's ready to talk to anyone. He's hasn't spoken a single word to me since the night he came home." My mom explained.

"Mrs.Kim, please let me see him. I'm Taehyungs boyfriend, I should have the right to see him," Jungkook said, taking a different approach.


Jungkook and I never really made it official. We both kissed and that was that. No one asked and no one said yes but we both knew what we were. It just makes my heart flutter, stomach flip, and face heat up at the title.

"I'm sorry, Jungkook, but I don't think Taehyung is ready for a relationship right now." She sighed.

"That's no up to you," Jungkook growled.

"I think you should go home, Jungkook," Mother claims.

"Mrs. Kim, I live here," Jungkook said dumbfounded.

I can't help but giggle as I lean my forehead against the door. I hear my mom clear her throat, trying to cover up her mistake.

"I'm sure your parents would love to see then, "

"I'm not leaving." He growled.

"And I'm not allowing you to see my son anymore," Mother snapped, "Namjoon, please escort Jungkook to his parent's house," She ordered Namjoon.

I hear shuffling, I assume its Namjoon. I open the door just a crack, peaking through to see what's happening. I see Jungkook struggling to get out of Namjoon's grip, who doesn't seem happy to fight against one of his best friends.

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