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"I'm just saying, he's the most beautiful person you'll ever meet," I said with a bunny smile. My heart swelling with love at the thought of my pretty baby.

"Jungkook, you are so in love," My uncle, Steven, chuckled.

"It's nice to see you so happy. I don't think I've ever seen you smile so much. You look like you're glowing," My aunt, Sou, smiled.

My Aunt and Uncle live in America. They are currently visiting since things have been running slow in their company-Nothing bad just a small break before everything skyrockets-

My uncle Steven is American, born and raised in NewYork. My aunt had met him when they were only 15 when their parents met for a business meeting. They were gonna have an arranged marriage but they had beat their parents and got engaged. They don't have any children but they have been thinking about adoption.

"You should see him with Taehyung. Completely and utterly whipped for the boy. But the same goes for Taehyung. Always touching in some sort, or looking at each other," my father explained with a wide smile.

"What can we say, we're in love," I sigh out.

They all burst out laughing. Happy that I'm no longer the mean cold man that pushed everyone away. When I was younger I always pushed my family away. Not wanting their love or affection. But now that I was shown what it's like to be loved for your flaws I cant help but become brighter.

Feeling the need to fix things with my family. Wanting to treat them like family. To take care of them the same way Taehyung takes care of me. Well, mabey not exactly the same way he takes care of me.

"I really want to meet him," My aunt whined out, earning a chuckle from her husband.

"You should bring him to the big family reunion next week, Kook," My father suggested, earning nods from the other two.

"I don't know, you know how Taehyung gets--speaking of my angel he's calling me," I say as I look down at my ringing phone.

A smile slipped onto my lips once again when I saw his contact picture. It was him wearing car ears while sticking his tongue out while winking cutely. For Halloween last year he had dressed up as a white cat while I was a werewolf. He looked so cute in his little outfit that I made him keep the ears. Buying him a cute little color with my name on it. Let me tell you, our hyungs were not happy the morning after.

"Pick it up," My aunt and uncle commanded in unison.

"And put him on speaker so I can say hi to him," My dad added.

My dad and Taehyung had really formed a tight bond during our time together. They talk and shop together like nobodies business. He has affected both of us. And all in a good way.

"Hey, Pretty, how's your day going? I miss you-"

"Jungkook! Please tell me you have Taehung?" Lisa practically shouted into the phone.

"What-No, I don't have him. He left for work about half an hour ago," I say, panic washing over me.

"I came to the cafe and it still wasn't open. I went in and all the dogs were crying and shadow was all bloody and whiny at the door. The backdoor was open and there's blood scattered and the trash tipped. He's not here but his phone is. Jungkook where is he?" Lisa cried into the phone.

I jump out of my seat and storm out of the office. Ignoring the calls from the other three. The only thing on my mind is Taehyung. My precious baby.

"Stay where you are. Call everyone you know looking for him. I'm gonna call the cops." And with that, I hung up and immediately called 911.

"911 what's your emergency," The operator asked, her voice calm and collected.

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