49|Tears pt.2

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"This will be Taehyung's room until he leaves," The doctor states before leaving us for some privacy.

None of us moved from out spots in front of the door. Shock and pain running through our veins like a marathon. It was a terrible sight to see. To see our dearest love hooked up to tubes and a machine,  looking so lifeless. It broke all of our hearts. I didn't know I was crying until I felt the slight tickle of a tear on my lip. 

This can't be my baby,

My Taehyung is so bright and lively,

"B-baby," I whimpered, a sob racking through my body when I got no response.

"Love," I called out again as I rushed next to his bedside.

Ignoring everyone in the room, I grab onto Taehyung's free hand that wasn't hooked up to a tube. I brought it up to cup my face. Crying out as I snuggled against it.

"I-i'm so sorry, Sweetheart," I took in a shuttering breath as I brought his hand to my lips. Pressing kisses on his scars, "I'm sorry," I chanted over and over through tears.

All I want is to cradle him in my arms and hold him close. To feel his warmth and smell his vanilla rain scent. I wished he would grab my hand and bury his face in my chest like he did when he was tired. 

"Kook," my father called softly, placing a comforting hand on my back as he gestured to everyone else. 

Taehyung's mother, Rosa, was crying into her husband's arms. Who was also holding back tears as he held both his wife and daughter close. Beakhyun was crying into Tao's arm, almost like he was trying to hide from the scene in front of him. Tao was just staring at his little brother with glossy eyes. A single tear dropping down the left side of his face. My mother was holding onto Jennie as they both cried. 

Jin was crying into his hands while Namjoon held him against his side. Resting his face on the older's head as he silently cried. Yoongi was sitting in a chair on the other side of Taehyung's bed. He stared at Taehyung with sad eyes while Hoseok held onto a crying Jimin. Tears of his own falling. 

This was their friend. Their brother. Their son. My love, who was lying lifeless on a hospital bed. 

"What do we do?" I asked in a whisper, not bothering to look up from Taehyung's face. Scared if I look away he'll disappear. 

Even though I was quiet and crying was filling the room, they all heard me. 

"We wait," My dad answers as he too, looks down at Taehyung.

"I want him back," I mumble with trembling lips, tears again fogging my eyesight.

"We all do, Jungkook," Taehyung's father, Woojin, says softly.

Tears slowed down, leaving shallow breathes and hiccups from the people in the room as they gathered closer. There weren't enough seats for everyone to sit down. A bench held the four parents while the two chairs held Jin and Namjoon in one and Beakhyun and Jisoo on the other. I stayed at Taehyung's side.

Listing to his soft breathing through his tubes. I held his hand in mine, never letting it go. I moved to slightly sit on the bed by his legs. There was just enough space for me to sit down while holding his hand.

"Should I ask for more chairs?" Jennie asked, her voice croaky and eyes red from crying.

"I-I'll go with you," Jisoo sniffed as she got up to help my sister. 

Once the two were gone the room filled with silence again. Nobody knew what to say at this moment. None of us were sure how to act either. Should we continue to be broken and cry for our precious Taehyung? Or should we try to be happy that we have him back?

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