50|Video Tape

297 14 1

Sorry for late update...got lazy...and i'm a mager procastinator


"I don't understand why I'm answering these questions again," I grumble, frustrated that I'm here instead of with Taehyung.

The officer standing behind Jackson that was sitting in front of me sighed through his nose. Taking a seat next to Jackson. I watched as he pulled out a file and slid it in front of me. As I opened it Jackson spoke.

"I know this is difficult and you want to be with Taehyung but we need you to answer these questions formally so we can have a solid case. I don't want those two basterds to even have a chance of being let go," He explained, his voice serious and stern as he spoke.

I only nod my head in understanding as I flipped through the file. The file was filled with information on Bogum and Yuguem. With some reports from the police officers that were present when we saved Taehyung.

"It looks like you've got all the information in here, what else do you need to know?" I ask confused with what more they could need.

They were there and saw the state Taehyung was in. The damage that was caused, he's in a fucking coma for fuck's sake. What else could they need? They even found the two in the basement of where Taehyung was.

"We're just gonna make sure everything is accurate," The police officer said before adding, "I'm Mark by the way,"

"Nice to meet you, I'm Jungkook," I greeted, despite the fact why we're meeting and that he already knows who I am.

"We'll try to be fast so you can head back to the hospital. I'm sure Taehyung sense that you're gone and will be happy when you get back," Jackson said trying to lighten the mood a little. 

"I hope he knows I'm there for him, I want him to wake up soon," I say, voicing my want for my love.

"I understand, please know that we are all praying for him. If there is anything we can do for him or any of you, please, don't hesitate to ask," Jackson's eyes were soft as he spoke. The bold emotion of pity leaking from his eyes.

"Thank you,"

The officer, Mark, then proceeded to ask questions that I have already answered.

"Taehyung was in a relationship about two years prior with Park Bogum, Correct?" He asked as he took out a note pad.


"How long have Taehyung and you been in a relationship?"

"A year and five months,"

"Bogum and Taehyung were together for two, right?" He asked while peaking up from the notepad.


"Can you list all of the scars Bogum has inflicted on Taehyung?" Jackson asked this time, leaning forward on his metal chair.

With a sigh, I run my fingers through my hair before starting, "He has about 20 on each hand from when Bogum beat him with a hammer. One just above his belly button. He has nine bigger scars on his back with several little ones. A scar on each side on his waist. He had ten on his left wrist and nine on the other. There's one on the tip of his ear and on the back of his head. Those are all the physical wounds that are still on his body," I explained, my voice dripping with hatred and sadness at the thought of the pain Taehyung went through.

"Has Taehyung ever been sexually assaulted by Bogum?" Mark asked while still writing with his back pen.

"Um yeah," I mumbled with a shaky breath, the mere thought of the fact made my heart hurt, "Bogum had raped Taehyung as well as groped him and kissed him when he did not want it," 

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