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I tightened my arm around Taehyung as the press pushed closer. Shoving microphones and cameras in our face as we tried to make our way into the company. Wanting to get an inside scoop of what really happened during the time of Taehyung's absence.

After we had gotten Taehyung back, the police and I made a brief announcement of my lover's coma. Then another when he woke up. I wanted to keep it on the down-low as to not stress my baby out even more than he was. He's been stressed out by any sort of attention and I wasn't about to make it harder for him by making a big announcement of his new conditions.

I shoved a man away before yelling for more security. The man's camera almost hit Taehyung in the head and if it so much as brushed a strand of his hair I would have killed him right then and there. As security rushed out, I guided the smaller boy towards the front entrance. A small pathway forming with the help of the guards.

"Kim Taehyung, what had happened with Park Bogum-"

"Shut the fuck up!" I roared at the middle aged man, smirking on the inside when he cowards away.



They all shouted our names as they tried to reach for us. 

Stupid paparazzi,

Once inside the doors, I turned Taehyung into my chest, holding him close by his waist and back of his head. Letting him calm down from the overwhelmnig expiernce. I felt him shaking against me, clutching onto my shirt with his hands. 

"You okay, Darling?" I know he wasn't but I still asked anyway.

He shook his head softly before trying to bury his face deeper into my chest and I let him. I held him tightly as he regained his composure. My shoulders curling in around him in a defensive shield but also as a blanket that blocked out the outside wrorld. He whimpered slightly before snuggling closer as if that was even possible.

I knew I shouldn't have brought him,

I wasn't planning on bringing Taehyung to the office anytime soon. Knowing how over whelming the paparazzi was gonna be. They frightened Taehyung before the incident and I knew it would only be harder for him now. But he wanted to go with me. Wanted to try to get out of the house beside the occasional trip to the cafe. 

Proud, that my baby wanted to try and get comfortable again, I agreed. But I made sure to lay down some ground rules while we were out. He was to stay with me at all times. Never out of my sight unless someone that I trusted was with him. He needed to ask or let me know if he needed anything or needed to go somewhere. But the main rule was to tell me when he needed a break. Whether it be a silent room, a pair of arms to hide in, or if he needed to leave. Those were my conditions which, he agreed to.

None of which would really be a problem because Taehyung is always with me joined at my hip. I never left a room without him and visa versa. My hands were always on him; either wrapped around his waist, holding his hand, or on his thigh. I made sure he was close to me at all times. And he was the same way. 

Taehyung needed me to be around him at every given time of the day. Scared if I'm gone something will happen to him. Which is why I do all my work from home. He always placed himself wherever he would be the closest to me. In the car, he'll make my hand rest on his thigh with his own hand on top. At home he has me carry him whenever we walk somewhere and when we sit he has to be on my lap. Even in the cafe. 

Yeah, we get weird looks but I couldn't care less. Taehyung needed me close and I needed him closer. That was just how we dealt with the fear of losing one another. We went through the trauma of being taken from one another and this is how we are trying to cope. So don't judge or I'll rip your head off,

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