20| Interrogation

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"Dad!" I shout, squirming out of Jungkook's grip and running into my father's embrace.

I laugh as he twirls me around several times before setting me down on my feet with a kiss on my forehead. I giggle more when he starts peppering my face with many kisses, his arms still wrapped around my torso.

"Move aside old man!" My sister, Jisoo, shouts before snatching me out of our dad's arms and into her own.

She tightly wrapped her arms around my waist while I go on my tipy toes to wrap mine around her neck. Even though she's younger than me she's still taller than me by a few inches.

Growing up I've always been short for my age so it never surprises me when everyone I meet is taller than me.

She opened her mouth to say something but was quickly interrupted by my older brother, Baekhyun, who snatches me from her and squeals, "Oh look at our baby boy! Our baby has grown up so well~!" He shouted as he shook my body back and forth.

"I...eh~L...Kookie!" I choke out from the bone-crushing hug.

I watch Jungkook start to make his way over but before he could successfully wrap his arms around me, my oldest brother, Tao, beats him to it.

I yelp when Tao wraps his arms around my waist and hoist me up into the air. I wrap my legs around his middle and my arms around his neck.

Tao is the tallest in my family, standing at 6'1 which always adds to his intimidating demeanor.

I let out a small cry when the lights suddenly go out and a low groan is heard from in front of me.

"J-Jungkook?" I call out when Tao starts walking somewhere.

I hear the sound of someone struggling and the sound of the grocery bags shuffling.

I use to be a huge fan of the dark. Always loving to play games in the dark. Games like tag or hide and seek. I use to purposely turn the lights off when I was in the bath or shower because I felt it was more relaxing. But now I can't stand being in the dark by myself or with anyone.

Silent tears and small hiccups leave my mouth as we move in the dark.

"Tae, you can open your eyes now," Tao whispers into my ear before setting me down of the floor.

I peek one eye open to make sure the lights were on. I see all the grocery bags on the counter in the kitchen. I look around in confusion, looking for someone on in particular.

"Where's Jungkook?" I ask as I start to head back into the living room.

Before I could even take a step into the dark hallway Tao stops me with a hand on my chest.

"The rest will take care of him," Tae claims.

"I want Jungkook," I pouted with a stomp of my foot.

"How about this," Tao starts, achieving my interest, "You help me put the groceries away-"

"Don't wanna! I want Kookie!" I shouted, interrupting him mid-sentence.

"You didn't let me finish," He snapped before continuing, "You help me put the groceries away then when you are done you can go back to the Junglebook guy."

"His name is Jungkook!" I snapped before grabbing a bag of food.

I squeal as I rush to put everything away wanting to see Jungkook faster.

Not only am I super clingy around him but he's with my family.

My family has always been overprotective of me. Like...extremely overprotective.

SilentOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora