6| sHoW mE sOmE rEspEcT

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You can skip this if you want, it's not really important. I mean the Jin pictures I'm about to drop are. Anywho! I couldn't post For Jin's birthday because I had a lot of homework and an important Test to study for. So, I'm gonna update two chapters; this one and the one before. 



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"Should we watch a movie before bed?" Jimin asks from the couch in between Yoongi and Hoseok.

Are they all like...a thing?

The room erupts in agreement along with me nodding my head.

"You guys decide while I go make popcorn and-" Jin starts but was quickly interrupted by me.

"ICE CREAM!" I aggressively sign while jumping up from my spot on the couch.

"Of course, Taehyungie," Jin says with a small laugh. "Does anyone else want ice cream?" He asks.

"Me!" Jimin and Hoseok shout in unison.

"Joonie?" Jin asks.

"I'm good unless you want to share." He says with a one-shoulder shrug.

"I'll get us some, is that it?"

Everyone says yeah or nods their head. Jin nods his head before heading to the kitchen.

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