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Just watched Hamilton for the first time today...AND I FUCKING LOVED IT! It was wayyyy better than I thought it was gonna be. Not gonna lie...I kinda hated on it before I actually ever knew what it was.  

-Six months since Taehyung's coma-

"You may read the verdict," My heart beats hard against my chest as one of the many people on jury stands. A slip of paper in his hands.

"We find the defendant guilty of all charges," He stated with a cold scowl on his face as he glanced over at Bogum.

I let out a breath of relief. He's gonna be put away for good this time. The bale was set high so no one could bale him out without a painful blow to their bank account. And, he was found guilty for all charges. Every singing damn one. 

This fucker was getting life in prison when he should have gotten eternity in hell. I shot that bastard in the head yet here the fuck he stands. Ugh, he should have fucking died! 

I watched as two police officers pull the handcuffed Bogum out of the room. My own glare fighting against his own. My attention was moved from that little fucker to Rosa who wore silent tears.

"I-its over," She breathed out, a small smile making its way onto her lips. "It's over!" She exclaimed proudly before throwing her arms around her husband.

I watched with a smile as our parents hugged and smiled. It was great news; the man who hurt out Taehyungie is now in prison for life. For fucking life.

Our lawyer made sure to put as much on his charge as she could. Not wanting this fucker to get out anytime soon. She put down stalking, mental abuse, physical abuse, kidnapping to the first degree, attempted murder to the first and second degree, rape, and a few others that I forgot. I blanked out when the realization of how much this man put my baby through.

Bogum terrorized Taehyung for practically four years. Four fucking years my baby was looking over his shoulder. Scared that Bogum would come back for him. God, it hurt me so bad that Taehyung was hurting so much. 

"C'mon, Kook," Woo-jin called as he pulled his wife towards the door, an arm wrapped around her waist, "Those two are now in prison, let's go celebrate," He suggested with a familiar box smile.

I focused on his shoulder when the smile slipped onto his lips. The box smile was too familiar to Taehyung's that I couldn't look at it without feeling sad and teary-eyed. Missing my love so dearly. It has been six months since his coma. Other than the fact that he doesn't need support to breathe he hasn't had much improvement. Nothing is getting worse but at the same time, nothing is getting better.

I nod my head as I follow mine and Taehyung's parents out of the building. Taking in the cool fresh air once we were outside. The air of fall crisp and cold. It was nice, really. One of my favorite times o the years. I never liked the summer because it was always so hot. But I do love the beach and water so there was always a plus to that. 

Winter was too cold but playing in the snow was always fun. Oh and the long snow days cuddled under a fuzzy blanket with the love of my life sleeping next to me always made my heart warm.

But fall has always been my favorite. I loved the vibrant colors of red and orange as the leaves changed color. The cool air making it perfect for hoodies and sweats all the time. Oh, and don't forget Thanksgiving. The food! Omg, the food is amazing! (A/N my family is Hispanic and we make Mexican food and omg my Tia makes the best food ever!!) It's just my favorite time of the year. 

"Jungkook what's the matter?" My mother asked once we were all in the car.

We all drove here together so that it would be easier. My parents sat in the front while the Kims sat in the back with me. Rosa in the middle since she was smaller than Woo-jin and I.

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