10| Jealousy

842 31 16

Sorry for the late update I had family stuff to take care of


"Heres your drink, sweetheart," Lisa says as she hands me my coffee.

"Thank you," I sign before taking a sip of my White Chocolate coffee.

"It's delicious!" I add with a shallow giggle.

"Of course it's delicious! I made it with all of my love!" Lisa snapped at me.

I ignore her as I continue to drink my coffee and eat the strawberry cake that Jimin and I are sharing.

"Thanks, Lisa! We'll be heading out soon so don't bother checking if we'll want anything more." Jin says politely.

"Of course, Just make sure you pick up after yourselves. Last time y'all just left your trash on the table." She grumbled.

"My bad! You know I'm still working on being cleaner!" I pouted.

"Yeah, I know-"

"Lisa! Stop flirting with my Taehyungie and get back over here!" Wonho shouted in a teasing manner.

"Coming!" She shouted back at him before looking back at me, "I don't know how you do it. You can just look at someone and make them fall for you. It's not fair!" She grumbled while looking at me.

"My best friend sure is a cutie isn't he?" Jimin asks while throwing his arm around my shoulder. Pulling me close to his chest.

"He's my best friend-!"


"Aish!" she complained under her breath as she walked away.

I look up from my cake when I hear someone clear their throat. When I look up I see Jungkook staring right at me with an intense look. I can't help but shrink into myself and scoot closer to Jiminie. Why do I have to be so close to him? I can literally feel his legs brushing up against mine! Who even decided these seating arrangements? Oh, right,

Jin Hyung.

Jin Hyung was the one who shoved me into the booth. Then, he tripped Jungkook who almost fell on top of me but luckily, Jimin caught him. Jimin moved Jungkook aside so he could take the spot next to me. I didn't notice it at first but Jin was wearing a suspicious smile when Wonho kissed my cheek and when he tripped Jungkook. He then pushed Jungkook into the booth on the inside so he was in front of me. Then, sitting next to Jungkook. Trapping the both of us and forcing us to face eachother.

What is he up to?

"Can I try your cake?" Jin asks with sparkling eyes.

"No way! You only want to try ours because you ate all of your chocolate cake!" Jimin snapped at him.

"How dare you accuse me of such a thing?" Jin gasped dramatically.

I giggle to myself as the two continue to bicker with eachother. I take small bites of Jimin and I's cake. Not wanting to be rude and eat it all. I whine quietly once only a few bites remain of the cake.

I should save the rest for Jiminie,

"Hey, do you want some of mine? I'm not a huge fan of sweets. I'm not even sure why I got a slice of cake." Jungkook offered.

Should I? I mean he is offering me some but then again this is the first time he talked to me in two weeks.

I slightly shake my head while looking at his untouched cake. Jungkook had gotten white chocolate covered strawberry cake. Just the name alone makes my mouth water but actually looking at it makes me drool. He had only taken one small bite out of his slice. Showing off the yummy strawberry cake inside.

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