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Okay so I'm editing this on my phone so please ignore the mistakes. Wattpad kicked me out on my computer and now I cant sign back in to write or edit on there. Ugh idk what to doooo😭


-Three days since Taehyung's kidnapping-

"The samples have come in," Jackson, a private police investigator who worked for the FBI pronounced.

Apparently, Lisa had contacted him a few days prior to Taehyung's kidnapping. Wanting his help in finding Bogum and Yuguem because she said that she had a bad feeling about the two. If only the feeling was wrong and Taehyung was still here...

It's currently 3 in the afternoon. I could only imagine what my baby would be doing if he were still here. Taehyung would either be at work with me in his little reading corner, nose in a book. Or at home waiting for everyone to arrive. Most likely sliding around in socks and one of my button-up shirts. Singing into a hairbrush at full volume. A cute little scene I have walked into quite a few times.

"And? It's them right?" Lisa asks, her voice was groggy from crying and lack of sleep.

Her eyes were puffy and red with bad under bags. Her blond hair messy and knotted down her back. She wore simple jeans and a t-shirt. It was simple but you could tell she struggled with getting ready at all. You could see the heavyweight on her shoulders from losing her best friend.

"Yes," Jackson sighed, "The blood on the two black clothing pieces were, in fact, Park Bogum's and Jeon Yuguem's," He stated.

I slammed my fist on the table as I glared down at it. Feeling rage course through my veins.  My own fucking brother. My own blood betrayed me and took my baby.

"Tell me the blood wasn't Taehyung's on his sweater," Lisa begged.

"It wasn't his own," Lisa and I let out a sigh of relief, "It was more of Yuguems, most likely from the broken nose Taehyung gave him,"

"I hope he gives them hell," Lisa snarled, but both of us knew he wouldn't.

He was being held captive by the person he fears the most. The person who hurt him over and over again. I promised him I wouldn't let that monster hurt him again. And yet, I let him get taken away from me.

"He did put up quite a fight but Taehyung is small a boy. The two males are both bigger and stronger. One having experience with torment and the other driven by rage and revenge. Two things that can be very dangerous for Taehyung, especially if he fights back," Jackson spoke, almost like he was calculating the outcome.

"You know Taehyung the best," Jackson continued as he turned to look at me, "What do you think he is thinking right now?" He asks.

"He's probably scared. Crying for me or anyone. Wanting to be held and protected from the two." I took a shallow breath, "He probably blames himself for not being careful. Whenever Bogum is mentioned he becomes mentally fragile and clingy. Needing the reassurance." I explain with teary eyes.

"How does he find reassurance? What comforts him?" He asked taking out a notepad.

"I usually have to hold him. He told me he feels safe when I wrap my arms around him, holding him against my chest. He said feeling my heartbeat and breathing helped calm him down. As well as my smell." 

"Does he find comfort in other people?" 

"Oh yeah, my friends Yoongi and Namjoon seem to have a similar effect. Yoongi helps Taehyung through his words while Namjoon tends to have more of a physical effect. Taehyungie's small and submissive, he needs a bigger person to rely on. Namjoon and I being the more built of our friend group seem to have a bigger impact." I couldn't help but smile.

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