8| Who's He?

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"Omg, Taehyung, who's the hottie?!" My best friend, Lisa, asks.

"Who?" I sign to her.

Lisa and I have known each other since middle school which was where we both started to learn sign language. We both continued taking sign language because for college we had to have four years of a different language. We didn't want to start over on a new language so we continued. That's where we met Namjoon and became even better friends with Jin.

"The guy that came with you today!" She whisper shouted while pointing at Jungkook who's sitting in a booth by the door, looking out the window.


"Jungkook, huh?"

I nod my head as I continue to make myself a white chocolate mocha with extra white chocolate and whip cream. I take a drink as she continues to talk.

"He's a total Daddy," She sighs.

I immediately spit out my drink and squeeze the cup at the same time. Making the coffee completely soak my white long sleeve and black pants.

"Oh my God, Taehyung, you are so clumsy!" She cries out as she desperately tries to wipe me dry.

She seemed to grab the attention of a group of teen girls who only snicker at the scene. I notice Jungkook started to get up but was interrupted my Wonho who burst through the door.

"Taehyung? Are you alright?" Wonho asks, brushing my bangs out of the way of my face once I made my way out from behind the counter.

Most of the dogs rush over to my feet, jumping and nipping at me to play with them.

"We should get you cleaned up. Lisa, you have any spare clothes? Mine will be way too big on him." Wonho asks.

Lisa leaves before coming back with a pair of jean shorts that are totally too short.

"I have these," She states, handing them to Wonho.

"These will have to do, I have a t-shirt in my car. I'll go get it for you," He says before leaving the Cafe to his car.

I sigh as I look down at my feet. Watching the coffee stain my only work shirt.

"Are you okay, Taehyung?" A voice asks from behind me.

I turn around to see Jungkook standing really close. So close our chests were almost touching. I nod as I take a small step back, scared I'll do something I'm not supposed to and embarrass myself.

He cups my face, wiping a few drops of coffee off of my cheek. I immediately lean into his touch, taking a bigger step closer to him and holding onto his arm that's raised to my face.

"What did that girl say to make you totally malfunction?" He chuckles out.

I feel my face heat up at the thought of what Lisa said about Jungkook. And she's totally right. Jungkook is currently wearing black ripped jeans that hug his muscular thighs so well, a white t-shirt that hugs a little snug so you can see his six back when he moves a certain way, a leather jacket that makes him look so cool, and a pair of black Docs (Doc Martians). His hair was styled slightly to the side so you could see his forehead and powerful eyes brows.

I shake my head in response to his question.

"Who's the guy, just now?" He asks. His tongue pushing on the inside of his cheek, and an intense look in his eyes: Jealousy.

I giggle as I take his hands into mine once he let's go of cupping my cheek. We both ignore the weird stars from the pair of teenage girls that have been in here since we've arrived an hour ago. I let go of his hands once I saw Wonho enter behind Jungkook.

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