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As soon as I opened the door, the sound of our busy house hit me. When I took my shoes off, I heard the loud commotion of the boys running around the house. Yelling and screaming as they trampled around in their little game. Something about a Zombie...

Once I step into the living room I felt a sting on my forehead. I looked up to see a blue nerf bullet stuck to my forehead. Giggles could be heard behind the couch. Growling, I yank the bullet off of my face. 

Hearing the noise, two heads pop up from behind the couch. The identical twins looking up at me with somewhat scared eyes. Waiting for my reaction.


They shot up and bolted for their room.

"Run!! Daddy Zombie is gonna eat us!" 


The sound of the door slammed shut rang through the house.


Before making it towards their room to play, I walked into the kitchen. Smiling when I saw my beautiful husband standing at the stove. Wearing a pair of sweats and hoodie that were both mine. Obvious by the way they hung off of his smaller body.

I made my way behind him, wrapping both arms around his waist. Pressing myself against his back. He hummed as he leaned back into my chest. I chuckled when he tried snuggling deeper into me while still trying to maintain dinner. He giggled when I placed my face in the crook of his neck, making sure to move the hoodie so I could press my lips against his skin.

"I missed you," Taehyung whispered before turning to place a kiss on my head.

"You missed my warmth," I teased, knowing damn well he used me as a walking furnace.

"Well if my bunnies weren't so warm all the time then I wouldn't have to keep the house at freaking 68 degrees or have to use the three of you as my personal walking heaters," He whined out, a pout set cutely on his lips.

It's true, we always keep the house at 68 degrees or lower. The twins and I run at a higher body temperature than Taehyung so we're always warm, too hot when the heater is on. He whines and complains about being so cold every time I get home. Despite the fact, he's bundled under all of my clothes. 

"Babe, you're wearing sweats and a hoodie. You shouldn't be cold," 

"I'm not cold but you know I hate wearing pants!" He stomped his foot like a little kid before turning down the stove so he could turn around in my hold.

"I'm home now so you can get changed and we'll cuddle after dinner, okay?"



He huffed slightly before dipping his head into my chest. Wrapping his arms around my shoulder as he snuggled as close as he could. I let him get comfortable before adjusting my arms around his waist. Making sure to keep him secure and close.

"How was your day at work?" He asked, his voice quiet and muffled against my chest.

"It was boring. Missed you so much," I whispered, looking down at the love of my life in my arms.

"I missed you too. Missed my bunnies so badly at work. It took everything in me not to go pick them up early from school-"

"Baby, you know you can't do that," 

"I know, It's just-"

"This was your idea," I growled lowly.

"I-i just want them with me all...all the time, kookie," He whimpered slightly as he pulled away to look up at me, "Want you guys with me all the time, I love you so much."

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