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I stare at my brother, Tao, as he sleeps peacefully on his side of the bed. His lips were slightly parted as light snores slip through into the silent night.

It's currently one in the morning and I haven't been able to sleep since I've laid my head on my pillow. Missing the warmth from Jungkook and his calming smell has kept me awake while everyone else slept peacefully.

I sigh as I sit up straight in bed, looking at the rest of my siblings scattered around the floor.

They all started in the spare bedroom down the hall but all of them migrated to my room. They all said they wanted to stay close to me. I knew not to argue against them because they're all very stubborn and wouldn't have listened to me. Even if I did tell them to leave.

My dad even made sure that Jungkook and I were as far as possible. He thinks we're gonna do the nasty, which made me blush madly alongside Jungkook.

I felt bad and tried to go against my father when he forced Jungkook to sleep on the living room couch whilst he took over Jungkooks room. Sadly, my puppy eyes and pout didn't work on him like I thought it would. This leads to where we are now: Separated.

I slip out of the covers and onto the hardwood floors. I flinch when my feet hit the cold floor. The floor was freezing against my warm feet. I tiptoed around my siblings careful not to make the wood creak or step on them.

As I lift my foot over Beakhun, he flips onto his back.

My breath hitches and my foot freezes mid-air, scared if I make any sudden movements he'll wake up. Once I'm sure he's back in his deep slumber I step over him, cringing when the wood creaks slightly.

I decided that going slow is only gonna make each step seem louder than it should. So I hold my breath before I rapidly make my way out of the room.

Once the door was closed behind me I let out a sigh of relief.

I make my way down the hallway, cursing myself for picking the room at the very end of the hall. I take extra precautions when I pass Jungkook's room. Where, my father could be seen sleeping on the bed with the TV on low volume, from the open door.

I release a breath I didn't even know I was holding once I reached the stairs. The only room next to the stairs is Jin and Namjoon and they're both pretty heavy sleepers.

I tiptoe down the stairs, letting out a small giggle when I finally make it down successfully. I walk normally over to the living room with a smile on my face when I see Jungkook laying on his back staring up at the ceiling.

He gives me a bright bunny smile once he sees me. He waves me over to him with his hand. I giggle slightly as I make my onto the couch, sitting on top of his stomach."What are you doing down here?" He asks in a whisper, not wanting to wake anyone up.

"Can't sleep without you," I whisper back.

Jungkook cups my face with one hand while the other rests on my hip. I can't help myself but get lost in his dreamy eyes-

"Are you going to lay down or are you just gonna sit and stare at me all night?" Jungkook teases.

I huff before lowering myself, laying my head on his chest with his arms around my waist. We both lay there until I let out a small whine.

"What is it baby?" he asks.

"Hot," I mumble aginst him.

I wore sweats and a hoodie to bed because I knew Jungkook wouldn't like if I wasn't wearing pants while sleeping with someone else. I'm also wearing one of Jin's pink hoodie that has a high collar to hide all the marks on my neck, not wanting my family to see them.

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