47|Lost and Found

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-Eight days since Taehyung's kidnapping-

"I'm just saying, I don't know if I want to invest my company in this if you are not certain with yourself," Mr. Woui expressed with an irritated frown.

Before I could even speak in my defense another man, Mr. Young added his two sense, "It most certainly doesn't help that you and your company are being babysat by your father," 

"Oh shut up," I sassed, feeling anger boil under my skin.

"How would you feel if your loved one was taken from you, hmm? Mr. Woui, would you continue living your life despite knowing your daughter was kidnapped? Or what about you Mr. Young, would you not be stressed if your wife went missing?" I snapped.

The two men only lowered their heads in shame. Knowing damn well they would do no better than I in the same situation.

"My father is by my side because I want the best for my company. Without my Taehyung I am not at my best. Thus, I brought my father for moral support." My voice is still stern and cold.

"If you do not want to sponsor my new idea then you can leave now. I am confident in my products but if you are doubtful then I want you out. Because whether I'm happy or not, I will not let this company fall," I explain as I sweep across the room with my eyes, watching for anyone to get up.

People were shocked when a younger CEO known as Kim Hyuna, the wife of Kim Hyo-jong or E'dawn, stood up. The two were quite famous from the scandal that happened a few years ago. 

Hyuna is a daughter from a smaller company but none the less successful. E'dawn was from more of high-class business, much like my own. They were both to be wed to another person through an arranged marriage but they were caught kissing at a cafe. Hyuna was thrown out from her father's side of the family.

Her father was furious she ruined the arranged marriage. It was with another mediocre company. What he didn't know was that Hyuna was dating one of the top CEO in karea.

Her mother and father were split so the mother still took care of her, even though she didn't have the best incoming job. But E'dawn had taken over the company only a few months after the scandal and rejected his bethrothed. He instead found Hyuna and married her, making her the co CEO of the company. 

It's a rather sweet story and hot tea when it first happened. I didn't pay much mind to it but Jin would always talk about it to Jimin. Never shutting up about how cute the couple was.

"Mr.Jeon, I know how much that boy means to you, and I understand what it feels like to lose someone dear," She started, "I'm sure I can speak for me and my husband when I say this; you'll have us by your side. We'll invest the money you need." She spoke before bowing her head.

"Thank you, Mrs. Kim," 

"I met Taehyung once before, I can understand the change you feel without him," She said as she took her seat.

"I'm sure everyone that has met Taehyung feels a bit lost without him," My father added.

I slump against the back of my chair. Not liking the new subject of conversation. Talking about my beloved only makes me miss him even more. It makes me feel sad and lonely. Like a big part of me is missing. 

"Yes, well, what do the rest of you have to say about the new product? Are you in or not?" I asked, sitting back up. Resting my arms on the table.

As everyone began to nod their head the door was burst open. I was ready to snap at whoever it was but the three words said next had my heart leaping out of my chest, "They found him," 

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