51|Sketch Book

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-One month later- 

"Shadow, look after Taehyung while I'm gone," I ordered the oversized dog who was currently laying at Taehyung's feet.

Taehyung still hasn't woken up from his coma but he no longer needs a tube or mask to breathe. He's breathing well on his own but if he has any pressure on his chest or throat he has to go back to wearing the breathing mask. 

His skin was still pale and yellow from the lack of sunlight and nutrition. The ring of bruises around his neck still black and purple. He was to be fed through a tube since he obviously can't eat on his own. His hair faded from his silver to his natural brown hair that was slightly overgrown. 

Taehyungs mother wanted to cut it but I said no because he used to mention that he wanted to grow out a mullet. I thought it would be a nice surprise that when he woke up his hair would be styled all new and pretty. He did look beautiful with the new hairstyle.

I stared at him as I admired his beauty. His long eyelashes laid softly on his cheeks. The mole under his eye hidden from the thick lashes. His nose was so perfect and cute that I couldn't help myself but kiss it softly. I poked the mole under his nose with a soft chuckle. Finding him absolutely stunning.

"I love you, baby, I'll be back before you know it," I whisper as I lean down to kiss his forehead.

As I pulled away I couldn't help but study his face, hoping he would open his pretty brown eyes and tell me he loved me back. To whine as he threw his arm around my neck, begging me to stay and cuddle a little longer. 

I watched as a tear slid down his fragile face. My tears falling onto him. I quickly wiped it off with my thumbs before placing a soft kiss on his lips. Wanting him to kiss back and pull me closer.

"I love you," I repeat against his lips.

With no response, I grabbed my coat and keys before walking out the door. Not forgetting to say I love you again and goodbye. Shadow moved from his spot on the bed to next to it so he could attack easier if someone came in that wasn't allowed. Let's just say him and I have been a bit protective since we've gotten him back.

Shadow has been allowed to stay in Taehyung's hospital room for about two weeks now. At first, the doctors weren't on board with it. Mainly because the dog was scary as hell and could eat someone. But also because only service animals were aloud and they couldn't just make an exception. That was until Shadow proved his worth in staying.

The doctor had pulled me and my friends out of the room to explain that they were taking off the breathing tube. He was explaining that it was a good thing but that Taehyung was rather fragile at the moment and had to be careful when we touched him. 

Then suddenly nurses started rushing into Taehyung's room. Taehyung's heart had begun to act up as if he was having a panic attack. The nurses had been alerted because the emergency button was pressed. Shadow had pressed the button because Taehyung couldn't moved his body. And there was nobody else in the room at the moment. 

Shadow either saw or heard that Taehyung's heart rate was faster than normal and pressed the button. Potentially saving Taehyung's life. 

I then had the nurses describe to Shadow all the things that were around to help the doctors and nurses with Taehyung. I also had them show him the way outside so he could use the bathroom freely as he needed. They thought I was crazy at first but were soon astonished when I quizzed him on everything and he got it all right.

I don't know what they taught that dog when he was training to be a police dog, but holy crap he's smart. 

As I walked into my building I was greeted by staff and employees. Occasionally getting someone brave enough to ask me about Taehyung. There were only a few but I answered none the less. Taehyung would have been mad at me if I were angry at everyone just because they were worried. He probably would threaten me with no touching or kisses for the rest of the night.

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