42| Bruise

332 12 3


"Hey, Kim!" The manager called from behind the counter.

The manager, Kim Jonghyun, was an older man with a wonderful family. His husband, Kibum, or just Key, often comes and visits the cafe. They are both very incredible people and I have grown quite fond of them. They also have a daughter that they adopted named Lily. 

Lily was a sweet girl with American features. She had pretty blond hair and grey eyes with scattered freckles across her nose and cheeks. She just turned 17 a few months ago. We were really good friends when I first started to work here but she began to form a small crush on me. So I distanced myself from her, not wanting to lead her on. But none the less, I loved that girl to death. As a friend, of course. Jungkookie will always be my number one.

"Yes?" I ask when I made my way toward him.

"I'm gonna need you to close the cafe today, I'm going to one of Lily's dance performances tonight. Lisa wasn't feeling well so she went home early and Wonho already left for the day," He explained before picking up his car keys.

He was wearing a raincoat due to the rainstorm crackling outside.

"Oh okay," I mumble, "Have fun and tell Lily that I wish her luck and that I said hi," I exclaim as he opens the front door.

"Will do, have a good night, Kim," He hollered over his shoulder before leaving the cafe with a small chime from the bell.

The cafe was almost empty except for a young couple in the corner, waiting for the rain to die down. The chef was currently cleaning everything up in the back while I wipe down the tables. After the last booth, I pulled out my phone. Texting Kook and Jin that I have to close the cafe. 

I always text Jungkook and one other person. Knowing that sometimes Jungkook's phone dies after a long day at work. After sending the messages I walk back behind the counter, grabbing a slice of cake from the shelf. 

The chef often leaves an extra slice of cake for the person who has to close up. Today it was a chocolate cake with a chocolate goo in the center. The icing was thin and creamy, vanilla flavor if I'm not wrong. I couldn't help the sigh of content that slipped my lips after the first bite.

"I'm gonna be heading out now, Taehyungie, take care," The chef said, walking out the door with a bag over his shoulder.

"Bye, have a safe drive and goodnight," I chime with a wave and bright smile.

He leaves with a smile and a small 'you too'. His headlights flash through the window before pulling out the cafe parking lot and into the rainy streets.

By now I was alone in the cafe, the couple now gone, and the dogs all sleepily laying somewhere. All the dogs have a routine and get really tired by this time. Knowing it was bedtime and time to head to their kennel.

"Come on, babies, It's time for bed," I state as I rush them all into the back room.

I couldn't help but praise the dogs with a smile as they all go in their designated kennel. Waiting patiently for me to close the crate. One by one I close each kennel but not before petting them in their favorite spot and placing a kiss to the snout or forehead. Just as I closed Shadow's kennel, the sound of the bell on the front entrance chimed.

With shaky hands, I make my towards the front, scared because the door sign now said 'closed'. As I step out from the back room I search the cafe for the random person. But to my luck, I saw no one. Though the marle floors show wet footprints. I try to see where the footsteps lead but before I could, the lights suddenly go out. I scream as they do so, not being able to see anything. 

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