13| Fourth Boyfriend

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I purr in satisfaction at the nickname, pressing myself against him further as I do so. Jungkook slips one hand under my shirt rubbing small circles with his thumb on the curve of my waist. I move my hands from around his neck up the nape of his neck and into his hair. Lightly pulling on it as I scoot further up his thighs practically straddling his hips.

"It seems our plan worked better and faster than we all thought," Jimin speaks up with a giggle.

"Jimin!" Yoongi, Hoseok, and Jungkook hissed.

I whine as I pull my face from his neck just far enough to look at him in confusion. He only sighs as he puts one hand on the back of my head before pushing my face back into his neck.

"I'll explain later. Right now, you should sleep." Jungkook says as he continues to rub designs on my waist.

"He's so gonna kill you later,"                                                                                                                                 "He's so gonna kill me later,"

Yoonminseok states in unison making me giggle softly in Jungkooks neck. Not letting it go unnoticed how his grip on me tightens when my lips brushed against the side of his neck.

"I'm so gonna kill you later," Jungkook confirms in a low growl making me whimper in submission.

As the four continue to talk and tease eachother I slowly drifted into a deep sleep.


I wake up to the vibration of Jungkooks laughter underneath my body. I move my hand from where they lied in between the two of us on his lap, back up around his neck.

"Shh...Tae's gonna wake up," Jungkook whispered before rubbing circles on my waist again.

"Hmmh," I hum as I raise my head while yawning.

Jungkook takes the hand from under my shirt and brings it up to my face to wipe a tear that slipped. I smack my lips as I sleepily look around the room. Noticing everyone was now sitting on the couch with either beer or wine in their hands. I turn my body so I'm no longer straddling kook but have my ass on his lap with my legs hanging off to one side, groaning as I do so.

"Do your thighs hurt? Mine are always sore after I sit like that," Jimin asks with concern.

I nodded my head yes before laying it on Kook's shoulder. Snuggling close when a wave of coldness hits me from the lack of body heat from Jungkook.

"What time is it? And why are you guys drinking?" I sign while glaring at the bottle of beer in Namjoons hands.

"Its...two am, and we're drinking because why not?" Yoongi answers with another swig of his drink.

"Does it bother you that we're drinking?" Hoseok asks.

"Eomma and Appa will tell you why I hate alcohol," I sign to Namjin before gripping onto Jungkook's shirt as I snuggle closer to his chest.

"When Tae was younger his dad was gone a lot so his uncle would come over and help his mom with the two kids. Tae and his sister Jisoo have always been a bit of a handful," Jin starts, making me giggle at all the memories and stories of Jisoo and me.

"Everything was fine until his father went away on a three-month business trip with his boss. Taehyungs mom had her husband's brother come live with them for the time being and that's when he started his drinking problem." Jin explains but hesitates to continue.

I noticed Jungkook hasn't wrapped his arms around me yet which made me sad because they make me feel safe. And I need to feel safe right now or I'll have a breakdown. So I grab his arm and wrap it around my waist. Grabbing the other to press it against my cheek, wanting to feel the heat of his hand instead of the pain I've once felt.

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