3| Crash

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I wake up to the sound of a plate shattering and Jin cursing. Without even thinking I rush down the stairs and into the kitchen. I frantically run up to Jin who's crouching in front of the shattered pieces.

"Jin hyung are you-" before I could finish signing I slashed my foot on one of the sharp shards on the white tiled floor.

"Taehyung! Are you okay?" He asks as he finishes sweeping the shards into the trash can.

I whimper in pain at the stinging feeling coming from under my foot. Tears starting to stream down my face once I see all the blood.

I scream loudly as the blood smears on the floor.

"Taehyung, calm down." Jin softly says as he tries to step closer to me.

I panic, suddenly thinking he's gonna hit me for making a mess.

"I'm not gonna hurt you," Jin whispers, knowing what I'm thinking because this has happened a few times before.

I shake my head while continuing to back up, leaving bloody footprints as I do so.

"Don't freak out, Honey, on the count of three I'm gonna have one of my friends pick you up so you don't hurt your foot even more," Jin explains softly.

I whimper more at the pain. Jin suddenly says 'now' as and I turn to run but I only Yelp when I feel my body lift off the ground. I cling onto the person's neck as they carry me bridal style to the living room. Whimpers and small shallow cries leaving my lips-but are muffled by the neck of the unknown person. I snuggle deeper into the crook of their neck as I hear many voices surround us and start talking all at once. Constantly asking Jin hyung what's going on.

"I'm gonna put you down now," the person speaks softly into my ear sending a wave of chills down my spine.

I shake my head and hold onto them tighter in protest.

"Come on now, Jin hyung has to take care of your foot." The male says as he, again, tries to pry me off of him.

Of course, I don't say anything, only shaking my head and letting out small noises in objection.

The man sighs before speaking, "Jin hyung he won't let go."

"Just hold him still, I'll clean his foot like this," Jin says.

I feel a sharp pain go through my foot as Jin takes his...tweezers?...pulling a shard of the plate from my foot.

"Yoongi, hand me the rag," Jin commands.

A few seconds later I hiss at the feeling of the cold rag brushing against my wound.

"It's okay...its gonna be over in just a few seconds." The unknown male whispers in my ear gently.

I press myself closer to him, feeling weirdly safe in his embrace. I don't know why but it just felt so nice to be held by him. Maybe, it's the way his rough callused hands gently held me like I'm the most fragile thing that could break at the slightest touch. Or maybe it's how he presses me close against his broad chest. It could be the way his scent just engulfs me in this safe bubble. Or-

"And we're done!" Jin cheerfully sings.

I sniffle as I pull my head away from the unknown male to look at Jin with big puppy eyes.

"Oh, my baby!! Come to mommy!!" Jin shouts while pulling me out of the man's arms and into his own.

He bounces me up and down while patting my back and cooing at me, making the weirdest noises. He is such a mom~

I giggle when he spins me around.

"Now, Darling, why did you rush into the kitchen like that? What have I told you about staying out of there while I'm cooking?" Jin scolded.

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